Here's a link to the original story I posted on I realize that an update was posted on MF that, of course I can't access now.

Without going through the next part of the story that was lost on MF, this gorgeous woman who always dresses in black and has that "dominatrix" vibe drove home an elderly lady who was shopping. As they said goodbye I was in the elevator with the lady and I said, "She's a nice neighbor" to drive her, and the elderly lady said, "She's very nice... a former nun," smiled and her floor came up with me with my mouth open. If you read the MF thread the nun thing generated a lotta comments.

Advance the past holiday season and the beginning of the year. I'm a lousy person to guess ages but I think she's a fine, fit lady in her mid to late 40s. There's a guy, handsome and 30-ish, been around a couple of times with her. Could be a relative... maybe more. My imagination gets me into more predicaments, which is why I'm into kink I guess. There was another condo meeting. Initially I didn't see her there. But then I heard her boom questions from the back of the room. Thirty-ish guy was with her... hell you never know but that's it for me.

So to put it bluntly, my imagination got the better of me. In kink, it has, believe me. In this case, who knows? I know from experience I don't want to find out.

Last edited by jbeast; 02/19/2024 09:16 PM. Reason: Details