Yes I watched it while it was on CNN till the end....

Let me say this....CNN did NOT show each candidate exiting the stage after it was over.....I flipped over to Newsmax and they had the video of Trump walking off the stage and of Jill Biden rushing to the stage to hold Biden by his hand to slowly get him off the stage.....(it was one of those grab you by the hand, hold you by the shoulders so you don't fall and point you to the exit assists by Jill) So CNN deceived its viewers once again.....

In my professional opinion: I think Jill Biden should be charged and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for assisted manslaughter when he dies soon....They/she are most definitely shooting him up with some form of stimulant....You can easily tell by his eyes.....

"Biden pulled the son card again"

Yeah he can't go anywhere without telling that bullshit lie... The biggest lie Joe ever told in his life was that "A drunk driver killed his wife and baby in the early 70's"....Totally fiction...In fact the truck driver was never charged nor was he drinking....The judge who investigated the case stands by his innocence....But Joe Biden ruined that mans life by repeatedly spreading this lie..


The Worst part is that the ILLEGALS (Who will be voting to cancel our votes) didn't watch this because they don't speak our language.....And it's NOT going to affect the 5-10% of RFK swing state voters who might hurt Trump....In those 6 states RFK is on the ballot..

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 06/28/2024 12:24 PM.