Your family members were not the POTUS...None of your family members were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.....As far as I am concerned Joe Biden and Pelosi and the rest of them are fair game for my insults....

"Wonder why they don't retire as soon as they can afford to"

Because they sold their souls for power on this earth...And I believe that 100%...But that's just my personal belief...We differ on our religious views probably but the more I see the more I believe....

"They are beholden to stay in office like the mafia"....

Yes exactly that's a great analogy...

A bigger question is why do so many of them raise and spend hundreds of millions of dollars for a job that supposedly only pays about $188,000 a year?

This fact should prove once and for all that every single politician in Washington D.C is bought and paid for by some special interest group.....And not a single politician is "for the people"....

At least none that I know of....They are all actors pretending to be "for the people"....Actors that are too ugly for Hollywood....

They love lording over us....Power and Control are the Ultimate aphrodisiacs.

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 07/03/2024 01:39 AM.