The Libs have been bringing this B.S. up. I don't know too much about it, but I've been starting to look into it just to see what the libtards are talking about. The link below I just came across this morning. Some people I know personally have been bringing this up on my vanilla social media pages. One idiot in particular who's 75 years old, brought it up as we've been battling on texts and DMs (he won't pick up the phone). This idiot reminds me of Ted and Cheyenne, Ted being the idiot and Cheyenne the voice of reason. Every time this moron friend of mine makes a point like the false story about Trump saying something about ingesting bleach during covid, I sent a video debunking it and this idiot then completely ignores my reply and moves on to Kyle Rittenhouse or something else that I debunk. He has since given up. In this particular exchange with this particular individual, I find that throwing insults is an effective defense in addition to the facts. Calling him a moron, a far left extremist, brainwashed, cult member ideologue and other things has shut him the fuck up. Also telling him he has TDS, which he most certainly does. Not the approach I'd take with everyone, but take my word for it, with this idiot, it works. Yes, I know it's waste of time to engage and all of this with him, but I'm sick of these libtard musicians that think they are morally superior and the arbitors of who is good and who is evil. Besides, he came at me first. Fuck this guy. Trump2024

Last edited by KEVASH24; 07/10/2024 03:55 PM.