Okay. I usually don't like middle school mocking of names, but Kamala (or her supporters) started it in an attempt to broadcast the Trump inspired slogan, namely, "Make America Love Again."

[Linked Image from pbs.twimg.com]

Breaking it down as she has done and pronouncing "Ka" as the Spanish "Que," the rest flows easily.
"¡Que Mala!" is going to be even better than "Let's Go Brandon."

I've not seen a blunder like this since the disaster of trying to sell "Nova" cars in Spanish speaking countries.

I feel inspired:
Kamala's thought was really insane.
She tweaked Trump's slogan which was really quite lame.
But worse than that, she linked in her name,
Since "¡Que Mala!" and "How Bad" are really the same.

This stunt made Trump very much glad,
For he loves confirmation that she's really quite mad.
He knew in Spanish "Que Mala" means "How Bad,"
And all he need say is "that is so sad."