As more information comes out, it looks as if the kid's home life was beyond troubled. His mother took his two siblings and left. She eventually lost custody and had only supervised visitation. She had been arrested on drug charges and for vandalizing her ex husband's car. The father was said to be verbally abusive. (That accusation coming from the ex wife and her parents.) There was no reference to the FBI about his playing violent video games. The father had told the FBI he was getting his son into hunting and outdoor recreation to keep him away from video games. He did tell them about the troubled home life and his son being constantly picked on his school. He lied about keeping the guns locked up and only allowing him to use them under supervision. The FBI closed the case because they could not substantiate that the boy was the user who had posted the threat of conducting a school shooting. My question would be, did they try hard enough? All of the other signs were there.

I agree with the charge of involuntary manslaughter. The two charges of 2nd degree murder and cruelty to children (Meaning the students) I, too, believe is a stretch. I'm not an attorney but believe that 2 child endangerment charges and neglect (Of his son and by proxy) would be more fitting. If I remember from the Casey Anthony trial, endangerment resulting in death carries a heavy penalty. My concern with the charges is that situations like this is that it will lead to parents being charged with their children commit a crime even in cases that they should not be.

Has anyone found information on how well the school was secured, how the police responded and how it was that this kid was able to get an AR-15 into the school unnoticed?

Here is the CNN article that I used to base this post.