Originally Posted by Cheyenne
Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Maher is an idiot. Just my opinion.

A lot of people agree with you on that. I'm probably alone on this here but I believe him to be an intelligent man who thinks quick on his feet. His ideology has him wandering around in left field a good part of the time....like on this one.
Re: Bill Mayer

He supported and "endorsed" Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders......

He also was quoted as saying "An economic recession would be worth if it would mean Donald Trump wouldn't be elected"...

Bill Maher is nothing more than another "comedian" making a nice living off the financial suffering of his fellow Americans....He is trash in my book...

Just like practically every single one of these Television personalities....In fact I can't name a decent one on any network....

They are all Pig's who capitalize off the horrors of this world...And they are great at manipulation.....

I could go deeper into my philosophical views such as my belief these people are agents of Satan but I won't dwelve there right now....

Personally I am sick of all of this bullshit. I say we don't need or want any of these politicians but we are stuck with these mother fuckers...


For the record I have never watched Bill Maher but I have seen his highlights and know who and what he is about....