Here we go again. Of course we all fall for this shit everytime too...

And these talking head assholes on Every network are excellent actors.

I find it amazing that States like Florida and Texas (ten times the size of most states) call ALL their results within minutes after polls close...But we have the same States GA, PA, WI and NC who take days....

All to keep us tuned in to these networks...

It is now about 12 AM where I live. Going to sleep like most normal people who work for a living.....I assume the cheat will take place around 4-5 in the morning.

Hopefully I am wrong, but I doubt it...

As I speak Trump is ahead... But I just have a bad feeling..


California (the biggest state with the largest population) took about 1 minute after their state closed to call the results..



I timed California too...

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 11/06/2024 05:00 AM.