More humourous than embarrassing. A couple of years ago i was playing with a well known Domme in Vancouver. We got to the point where she had me on my back on a bondage table with my ankles secured to the table. My wrists were cuffed down at my sides. She was rigging me up to an Erostek 212 with the blue bands on my cock and pads for the other channel on my balls.

When she plugged in the leads and flipped the power to "ON" I felt like a million bees were stinging me and i was on fire down there. I screamed into the gag and shot bolt upright in the world's fastest sit-up. She whipped the plugs out of the box and looked shocked. Then, after a second, she said "Oh My God! I'm so sorry! Turns out the control box had the power turned all the way around to "max" rather than on "min" where she thought she had left it

After a few seconds more she started to giggle and pretty soon we were both laughing pretty hard.

It took a few minutes but we got back into things and had a great session.

Last edited by furfan; 03/09/2024 03:11 PM.

Black leather and a fur coat....a match made in heaven