I am not coming out of retirement but, thanks for the kind words. My grandchildren, spreading my time between three homes and my youngest daughter, who will be a freshman in college next year, keep me overly busy. But, I'd love to script and, remotely, assist anyone shooting femdom videos. There is too much fun there not be had. I just don't know how lucrative it would be these days for someone starting out. It would have to be a labor of love. For any of it, I'm all in.

Funny, these days, pushing sixty, my neighbors, in any one of my homes, think of me as a grandmotherly figure who goes over the top decorating for the holidays and putting out beautiful flowers in the warm months. No one would guess that I'm a retired dominatrix. People see the way I live and ask about how I made my money time sometimes. I just say that I'm retired from IT. That is actually true...just a little bit of omission involved.