Think about this for a second...

Hunter Biden was pardoned for everything he did between the years of 2014-2024.... I actually never even heard of a pardon for a long time frame like that.... Obviously those were the years Hunter/Joe and the entire family were running their MOB organization...

And think about this too: The whole family gets to sail off into the sunset with all the money they stole from the hardworking taxpayers..(ie: Suckers like us)

Re: Making Rudy Whole

There is nothing Trump can do about a civil judgement.. Or anything on a state level....He can only pardon Federal stuff.

Rudy is really losing it. Mostly because his age has caught up with him..

Re: Joe Biden

Yes he has been committing crimes his entire 52 years in office... Thats why I say his entire existence on this earth has been a waste of life...We would have been better off if his mother had an abortion...


I will bet dollars to donuts that Biden pardons himself, his brother and everyone else in his administration on his last day out the door...Watch...He is gonna leave Trump nothing and nobody to go after..Including Jack Smith....

This is why our society does not work.. If the average person would just understand even a little bit about our corrupt justice system, they would agree... You cant have a certain class of people exempt from any crimes they committ..


The only bright spot is that Hunter will Fuck up again like Rodney King.. Hunter Biden is a JUNKIE and he will always be a junkie.. Junkies always fuck up again. He will find himself in an early grave sooner or later..

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/02/2024 02:51 PM.