Most of the Dommes on here seem to be well established and the subs mostly seem to have significant experience over a period of years.

Given the wealth of experience present here I'm curious about when you look back over your BDSM journey what firsts or milestones truly stand out in your memory and why?

For me it was many years ago with a life partner. Although it wasn't a FLR we regularly incorporated BDSM activities into our sex life. After much planning and discussion we set up and executed a session with significant elements of CNC. (We actually viewed it as more like irrevocable consent.)

She had a variety of activities to choose from and multiple paths the session might take. Other than being able to speculate on possibilities I had no way of knowing what was coming nor did I have any say over what might or might not happen once we began.

It was my first experience getting a even a partial taste of being truly powerless in a BDSM context...... albeit constrained by certain agreed limits and a set maximum time.

30+ years ago and the memories are still vivid and powerful. blush

edit It was my first ever experience with two releases on a single session. Having play continue in the time between the first climax and being recovered was very challenging but in retrospect, VERY hot!

Last edited by furfan; 12/07/2024 04:18 PM.

Black leather and a fur coat....a match made in heaven