Their thirst for power and money has no end.....The only way these geriatrics 80+ year olds ever leave office is when they are carried out in body bags.....

How fucking disgusting is 84 year old Nancy Pelosi walking down the walkway of the Capitol with a fucking walker.. Talk about bad optics. But nobody says shit...

Oh I am sorry...Am I supposed to feel sorry for this person? I just can't bring myself to feel sorry for this monster/beast. She is pure evil personified..

Most people would be happy to retire comfortably in their 60's but not these monsters..... Our founders DID NOT intend for this shit....

Has anyone ever seen Mitch McConnell lately? He is even in worse condition... And I haven't even gotten into Bidens condition...

These are the "BEST" Americans have to offer? Really? Out of 360 million people and these are best and brightest...

We are Fucked...

If only all of the average everyday people on the streets, grade schools, churches and universities could understand one thing.. These career Politicians like Pelosi have been using you for decades. And they capitalize and build their entire careers off of YOUR money...They get the absolute BEST/GOLD STANDARD Healthcare that the taxpayers (ie: You and me) can buy....All to keep them alive barely but still in power...

How many people in this country have Healthcare plans as good as Nancy Pelosis? Probably nobody..

Literally.. We pay these people to fuck us.. We pay these people so that they can kill us... Our money funds their lifestyles..

They have nothing without our money and our votes. (Of course I don't vote)

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 01/07/2025 05:11 AM.