Agreed. I laughed it off when the suggestion came up of Newsom running for President. But, I also did the same thing when Biden was mentioned for the role.

South California was my second home for a few years. The recall, likely, came with the oppressive and illogical shut downs. If it had been held sooner and the election was fair, he would have been bounced out. One of my friends, who lives in Orange County, was involved in the start up of the recall. She said the local government hindered them in every way they could. If someone signed their name, with a touch of ink, touching the next line, it didn't count. Then, Newsom suddenly opened the state up shortly before the actual vote. My guess is that a lot of people, who would have normally been there, didn't feel as motivated to go to the polls. The guy is scum. I don't know why everyone can't see that. It is as clear as a bell.