What an unexpected start to a road trip. Halfway to my designation, I saw a young woman hitchhiking. My fatherly instincts kicked in and I pulled over. I didn't know what to expect. Was she going to rob me? Did she have a gun? It turned out that she was a sweet young woman, all of 21 years old, who dropped out of college and got disowned by her family. We all know family drama. That will probably work out. I'd be mad as hell if my daughter dropped out mid way through her junior year too. I shifted the conversation to how dangerous it is for women to hitchhike. She obviously already knew that. Remember the feeling of immortality most of us had as kids? She had that to an extreme.

We drove until I was ready to get off the road for the night. I got her a hotel room on the same floor as mine. We went to dinner and the wine started flowing. She was a beautiful young woman. I don't usually allow myself to think of women younger than my daughters in terms of FemDom. Something about her was different. I don't know if you would call it street smart. She came from a good family. It was clear she had a good education. I ended up telling her about my life as a submissive, which included having professional sessions. She looked straight at me, as she propped her foot on my leg and said, "I need a bus ticket and pocket money." She said it in such a way that was clearly a proposition. I could not have previously imagined doing a session with a woman younger than my daughter. All of that went out the window that night. We had a good time. I was surprised at how instinctive and confident she was.

The next day, we drove until we got to a major city. I rented two hotel rooms and took her shopping. It was dinner and FemDom play again that evening again. The next morning I put her on a plane. She promised to let me know when she got to her older sister's house safely. What a whirlwind. I'll probably never hear from her again. But, what an unexpected delight.

Just another boy out of Boston seeking to be overpowered by beautiful women.