Originally Posted by PeeOnMee
This post got me to stop lurking and sign up. Aspartame is 200 times sweeter than sugar. The body does not metabolize it. It is peed out. When I book a session I ask the Mistress if she minds refraining. I've never received a negative respond. The way I look at it is that I'm spending a lot of money for the experience. It isn't an unreasonable request. You wouldn't be out of line to ask.

Yes_G great question. POM, welcome! I'm far from being an expert. I've only done GS with two Mistresses that I know very well, both very health conscious and handled me with care. The first Mistress, now retired, is a longtime athlete and fitness trainer. She knew my limits and was surprised when, in the middle of a session, she had to relieve herself. I was in deep subspace and asked to watch, so she ordered me to crawl in. A day or two later in our usual post mortem phone call I asked if she would GS my chest and genitals the next time. She chuckled, but knowing me the Mistress said, "Let me think about it. I'm afraid you'll get 'squirrelly' on me." She agreed the next time I was in her town, explaining beforehand she only drank water. Ignorant and in subspace, I said to myself, "whatever." She sprayed my lips a couple of times before she retired.

A couple of years later I got reacquainted with my longtime Mistress who I have discussed here before. I sprang the GS question on her and she had no hesitation about it, saying she would only drink plain herb tea to prepare. Again, horny and stupid, the info meant nothing to me. Like the fitness Mistress I trusted her health practices. With her like the fitness Mistress, it has been mostly body GS, but my longtime domina has let me sip some of her nectar. Amazing what you learn on this site...