Ha! Good times... Good times...
Yeah... it was fun. The web dev shop I worked at had a sales woman who took most of the calls. She was a conservative wasp, always dressed preppy, etc. We had gotten calls from a few medical clinics that dealt with pain management from injuries, and at first she thought this inquiry was one of those... until Cheyenne mentioned 'spankings'. The sales woman was professional, but barely keeping her shit together.
"I don't want to go on this sales call," she lamented, practically freaking out. The owner of the company chuckled and handed it to me.
"I know you are into that stuff", he said, "BUT this is business. YOU MUST act professional."
I show up, knock on the back door. Cheyenne opens it, dressed head to toe in utterly stunning, black leather regalia. I was in love at first sight.
The fun part? The dungeon at the time was in an older building, and common to the architecture was to raise the first floor several feet above ground level. So there I was standing on the ground, and a several steps above me was this absolutely gorgeous woman, full Domme regalia, just glaring at me. It was deliciously intimidating.
"Hello, I'm from the web dev company..." I managed to utter.
"OMG! Hi!" her demeanor completely changed. Smiling she said, "Come on in!"
She gave me a tour. Holy shit. A cage! Spanking benches! Chains. Whips. Floggers. How in the fuck did I luck out and fall into this place? I've found... Holy shit... I've found my people!
'YOU MUST act professional' my boss's words echoed. As the tour continued, I had to work hard to hide my excitement. And probably a few boners. Sorry. It's got a mind of its own sometimes. Like I can control it? Ha!
And yes... Like the good little boy I was trying to be, I was led to the classroom, where this gorgeous Domme with an exquisite ass I kept staring at, told me to sit and pointed to the built-for-little-kid's, all in one, old school, desk. Just like the kind I had in grade school. Just like the kind Jake and Elwood had to sit in when they visited 'the Penguin'. I was 'schooled' that day.
Sadly, no bare ass paddlings during that class. I would have to come back...
Last edited by Tristan; 03/22/2024 09:00 AM.