MissMary posted: "They had on him January 6th but didn't press insurrection charges."
Response: There was no insurrection on January 6. The incident was triggered by leftists and used as a tool to suppress the freedom of assembly.
MissMary posted: "Trump is an extremist on abortion."
Response: Accusations of Trump's traits and actions have continuously been fabricated or distorted. That is the case here.
MissMary posted: "[Trump] did nothing to address homelessness..."
Response: He fought for border security. Without it, we now have 10 million more people we have to house.
MissMary posted: "[Trump did nothing to] address public education."
Response: He promoted school choice. With no competition, public schools have become inefficient and the quality of education has declined alarmingly.
MissMary posted: "[Trump] did nothing to help with student loan debt" He didn't give preference to those who accumulated that debt and didn't pay it off. He did not shaft those who did borrow responsibly and pay off their obligations.
MissMary posted: "[Trump did nothing about the] high price of education."
Response: Giving students "free" money for education causes inflation for education. The lower quality of education takes away the value of that education.
MissMary posted: "[Trump] is a supporter of the NRA."
Response: As he should be. With the increase of crime, the massive influx of unvettred "immigrants," the defunding of police, the non enforcement (or worse, selective enforcement) of our laws, etc. have all contributed to a need for citizens' self protection.
MissMary posted: "[Trump] had a homophobic VP."
Response: I'm not a fan of Pence, but name calling doesn't make your case.
Consider that under Trump, our economy was prospering, inflation was held at bay, he made great strides in Mid-East peace, we had energy independence, our military wasn't hurting for recruits, Russia was held at bay, the border was becoming more secure, etc.