My only public play experience was years ago at the venerable Paddles in NYC. I was in a great relationship with a non-pro Domme. Although a non-pro, she was incredibly well equipped and very experienced. She could play at an intense level that you would expect from a ProDomme. We got to the club a little early, I was wearing a beautiful leather collar and dressed in fashionable jeans and a button down long sleeve shirt. She was wearing a leather skirt, 4 inch heels, and a very sexy looking white top. She was also adorned in some jewelry that gave off a very Domme vibe.

We took our time exploring all the nooks and crannies of the club and its different pieces of equipment while chatting with a few other folks. As the place began to fill up, the play started to heat up and I could see that she was really itching to play. She had taken along her large bag which contained her beautiful black and blue colored high end flogger. She whispered in my ear that she needed to play, that she needed that flogger in her hand. She led me up onto a small platform, unbuttoned by shirt and took it off me. She then told me to face the wall, with my hands over my head and against the wall. She began flogging me, and I think she was so excited at playing in public like this that she didn't do much in the way of a warm. I started get vocal, lots of "Owwwsa" and "Ohhs and they were getting loud. She had a firm rule whenever we played, no whining allowed. She stopped flogging me, came up to behind me and whispered that I was embarrassing her with my loud whining, and for that matter embarrassing myself too. I apologized, told her I would do better and be quiet. She gave me a "good boy" and went back to flogging me just as hard, or harder, and I was completely silent. When she was finished she again came up behind me and told me she was very proud of me and that I could step off the platform and sit with her while I composed myself.

When I turned around from the wall I had been facing, I was shocked to see over a dozen people who had been sitting or standing there and that had watched the entire flogging! One Domme came up to my Domme, hugged her and said that she gave me a magnificent flogging and that I had taken it well. I was proud at hearing that, especially because my actions had reflected so well on my Domme. It was a great night that we still talk about to this day.