I realize this is somewhat different than the scenario your posting, but I share this with you in the hope that it is somehow helpful and reassuring.
I have had a long term BDSM personal relationship with a non-pro Domme. We have played together hundreds of times over the years and I would say she is absolutely born to be a Domme. However, every once in a while she will lead me down a path to turn the tables. She won't label herself as a "sub". but she does start to refer to me as "Daddy" and herself as "Daddy's bad girl". Our Daddy role play was limited to me being verbally harsh and vulgar with her, along with some spanking and light NT. Nothing at all difficult as she has a low pain tolerance.
At first I was VERY uncomfortable with this scenario!! I had a very hard time getting into the first few times we did it. But she enjoyed the hell out of it, and when we were finished with it she would very quickly transition to a very dominant mindset and play harder and longer then usual. It has become a "win-win" for us. She gets to scratch her very slight submissive itch and I know that as soon as she decides that role play is finished we revert to our natural positions of Domme and sub. I know better buckle up because she is going to completely use, abuse and exhaust me.
I am guessing your wife wants to experience the other side of the tracks to better understand what is going on in your head when you two play. My advice is to follow your instincts and happily join her in this and that the two of you totally enjoy the experience. It will certainly give you a lot to talk about, and your own play will only be better and more enjoyable because of it.
Good luck, relax and enjoy!