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#1812 09/03/2024 06:10 AM
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My close friend and fellow poster, Tristin, recently had a case of that. I will let him tell the story. Given that it didn't cause any more damage than embarrassment, It is funny story. It got me to thinking about personal experiences with this and other people I know who have done the same.

The worst that comes to mind is a former client and friend who accidentally sent Christmas emails to all of his friends, family and co workers from the wrong email account. The email account he sent them from? Pee on me. The blow out with this wife nearly ended in divorce.

Mine have been more gentle. Once, I was buying an electronic training collar from a pet store. It was to go around my slave's balls, of course. The young man behind the desk asked what kind of dog I had. Without thinking, I answered, "Oh, I don't have dog." (This happened to be one of the rare times I didn't.) The look on his face was priceless.

Another time is when I was very much pregnant with my youngest child. My older children and I were spending the summer in an idealistic upper middle class, family oriented lake front community in Tennessee. The people who lived there were sweet, country people who had grown up in the very rural area. As I was out for my daily walk, looking like innocent soccer mom, I passed by a neighbor who was electronic collar training their young schnauzer. After exchanging pleasantries, in parting I said, "Don't let your wife get a hold of that." It just came rolling right out of my mouth. Again, another priceless look.

How about you?

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Good stories, except for pee on me. In my after college job, I ran into my boss at a fetish store. We acknowledged each other but never spoke of it. The only repercussion was the awkwardness at the office. I asked him once if he wanted to grab a beer after work, thinking we could laugh about it and continue on as usual. He didn't. So, it continued to be awkward until I moved on to another company.

Serving Goddess, loving life and licking my tears from Her boots.
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The closest I came was after one of the typically fantastic sessions with Mistress Briana, who had kept a black leather discipline helmut/hood on my the entire time, I was unaware it had left a black mark down my face. Brianna’s place was dark by design, so I’m sure she didn’t notice it either. When I got home, my wife wanted to know what that was all about. All I could think of in the spur of the moment, was that I had to stand on the metro, I was tired and leaned my face against the black rubber covered pole you hold on to. I’m not even sure they were covered that way, but she didn’t know that and bought it!

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I’ve had a few close calls. Scary funny stuff and I can’t tell the stories here because they are too specific.

One I can tell is I subscribed to a website, I actually think it was clubdom, and put in an email address my wife and I share , out of habit. I don’t remember the exact sequence of events but I quickly realized this mistake, deleted the confirmation email and somehow corrected the email.

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Heh. Working in IT, I can't tell you how many times I went to a munch and saw a coworker, or someone I knew in IT from a client company or something.

If I had a nickel for every time it happened I'd have like 60 cents, which isn't a lot of money... But still...

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So... During a recent job search, I would get text messages from recruiters... We'd text back and forth a lot for different job related reasons.

The other night I fell down a rabbit hole and stumbled upon some website that had Muppets porn. Basically there were pics of Miss Piggy dressed as a Domme and Kermit naked, collared, hooded, leashed and being led around like Miss Piggy's bitch boy.

I guess Kermit was hooded to protect his identity. 😁

And the first Pic was innocent enough, except for the giant cock and balls on Kermit that she had caged in chastity.

And the next Pic was Miss Piggy with boots, a halter top pushing up her huge breasts, and no pants/skirt/panties. We see her profile view, but she turned her head to the camera and she's smirking with a 'fuck you' attitude smile while holding Kermit's leash.

Kermit is on all fours 2 feet behind her. With his frog tongue fully extended licking her asshole. (Presumably. You couldn't really see her asshole from the camera angle, but I've been around. I know how this shit works.)

And the pics get worse from there. Miss Piggy is a Big Beautiful Woman Domme and Kermit is a little green scrawny fuck - but hey - we work with what we got, amiright? And she gets naked and Dommes da fuq outta an also naked Kermit. Did you know Miss Piggy has an adorable little curly tail right above her ass crack? And her vagina is shaved smooth. And she gotta lot of bacon.


At some point in the middle of the night half awake me thought "I should text this url to a friend."

Only my friend never got the link.

One of the recruiters did.

Know how I know? She texted me the next morning saying she was horrified that I sent her that link, assumed it was a mistake (which it absolutely was) and that going forward we must keep things professional.

I. Was. Horrified. Especially since this was the ONE recruiter out of the dozen or so where the job prospect actually seems to be coming together (this job market FUCKING SUX).

I apologized profusely. And blamed it on a desktop backup software, which is true actually. I've been testing a web interface on Win 10 to send and receive text messages... And it fucked up and sent the link to the wrong person. I think. Probably.

Anyway... I was afraid to do anything text message related for days. Once that shit is sent IT'S SENT. THERE IS NO UNDO.

But the good news? She actually started texting me asking me if I "want to be her little Kermit" and "did I have green body paint?"

Ha! No I'm kidding. I shouldn't even fucking joke about this. Really, what happened, she accepted my apology. THANK GOD.

And I SWEAR TO GOD I ABSOLUTELY would NEVER send those sort of links to ANYONE. Unless I REALLY KNEW the person and KNEW they would get a kick out of it.

It was a stupid mistake and I absolutely did not intend to send her that. 😢

I should be punished.

Last edited by Tristan; 09/05/2024 04:15 AM.
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Christ, I'm not easily embarrassed. But writing about this makes me just want to curl up and die.

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That’s insane. Good luck. Let us know if you get that job through the recruiter lol

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You tell a great story !!!

But where the fuck is the link to the Mistress Piggy Porn ????

Just kidding!!! Sorta......

Keep posing funny stories!


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Tristan, don't hold back on us. Post the piggy porn.

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There is nothing like leaving an open email requesting a session on your computer screen, only for your fiancee' to see it. I thought we were done after that. She moved out for a couple of week. She came home and we managed to work it out. She is my wife now. That was a hard lesson. Her mother still doesn't speak to me. It took her sister almost a year but things are fine with her now. I have a lot of guilt over what it has done to our family dynamics, especially on the holidays. Every day, I try to make it up to her. She is a wonderful woman.

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Omg Ted that’s not a fun story. A nightmare actually. It’s great you and your wife were able to work things out. Imo she obviously got past it and loves you so her family should do the same. Do you think it was a good thing in the long run since you don’t have to hide your kink from her after it all?

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Thanks. I am hoping Mom comes around. Her sister has forgiven and forgotten. It has been better in the long run. There is no more guilt and fear of discovery. But, man what a long 2 weeks. One thing very good about the ordeal has worked in her favor. If she wasn't already an angel in my eyes, she certainly is now. I am very humbled to be loved so much.

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