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#2751 12/26/2024 01:17 AM
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Many enjoy posting about Trump's flaws.
However, I've found a more upbeat article.
I hope the author's optimism is warranted.
The Best Christmas Gift of All: Trump Saved The United States of America
This Christmas Day, take a moment to pause and reflect upon the draconian damage these far-left politicians and their bootlickers in the media, academia, and entertainment have done to our Republic: Our borders are gone; our Military is woke, obese, and anti-traditional values; our universities are woke, useless, and have become epicenters of anarchism, bigotry, and violence; our hospitals and major science centers and publications now put wokeness and identity politics before merit, medical care, and facts; our failed public schools are indoctrinating tens of millions of children; our inner-cities are on the verge of violent and total collapse; our energy grid is failing while the far-left worships at the altar of the greatest Ponzi scheme in the history of the world – that being fake “green” energy; faith in God is under constant attack; and oh, yes, the world is on the verge of WWIII.

Now, pause to think of what Santa Trump just delivered under your tree with his decisive victory: Our borders will be secured; our Military turned around; our Universities and colleges told to get back to the business of real education and out of the business of indoctrination, bigotry, and violence or lose their hundreds of billions in federal money; the corrupt teachers unions destroying the education of our children will be confronted; our police departments will be funded to the max as they work to fight crime and corruption in our largest cities; our nation will become energy independent once again; faith will be celebrated; and the world made instantly safer.

As President Trump himself posted on Truth Social earlier this week: “All over the world, they are calling it THE TRUMP EFFECT, because even before taking office, we are already bringing jobs, opportunity, safety, and Common Sense back to the USA!...

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Some of this author's statements may be true but I am gonna post another opinion piece that you are gonna hate...And I know you wont believe any of what this writer says. But I am gonna post it anyways because I believe religion/prophesies have a big say in what is happening in the world today...

There is a good Chance that Trump (and Musk) are fooling everyone including me....

This was written by a "reformed Christian" whatever that means. But as a former student of religion who grew up in a strict religious house, I agree with a lot of this persons views... That Trump might be the antichrist...Personally I really think its Musk...

Read some of the comments because they are interesting. But I know you dont believe in this stuff...

For the record Trump cannot fix this corrupt system of government we have and he knows this...

Millions of people around the world may have been played/brainwashed big time by Trump and Musk... They want him to be God and he thinks he is God...

This is the cold hard truth about Donald Trump. He only cares about himself and he worships money and material things..

I dare you to challenge that fact.... Same with Musk...Musk is gonna be worth almost a Trillion Dollars soon. In your heart of hearts do you honestly believe 1 man should have that much personal wealth?

Only the beast has that much wealth....

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/26/2024 03:13 AM.
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Who would have thought that Biden would have pulled the antics he did? From SUV size drones flying around to a Venezuelan overtaking a small town in Colorado, anything is possible. With that in mind, I read the article to be wild speculation. It is fear mongering at it's finest. Who the hell cares how wealthy Trump and Musk are? The didn't run money they couldn't account for through foreign countries and straw LLCs. They can show where their money came form, rather you care for their business practices or not. I wouldn't get all worked up about the liberal fear mongering. It could turn out to be true but, it is highly doubtful.

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Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
...I am gonna post another opinion piece that you are gonna hate...And I know you wont believe any of what this writer says.
You are correct on both counts.
The Bible might be correct in its prophecies (though I believe such correlation is coincidence, not prediction).
If prophecy is to be believed, then the concept of free will is damaged if not destroyed.
Regardless, most of the traits mentioned apply more to Obama (or his puppet master{s}), not Trump.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
There is a good Chance that Trump (and Musk) are fooling everyone including me...
In what way might YOU be fooled?

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
[The author suggests] that Trump might be the antichrist...Personally I really think its Musk...
The author (Martin de Boer) offers the possibility of Trump being AN antichrist.
A small difference, but may be significant.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Read some of the comments because they are interesting. But I know you dont believe in this stuff...
I read some of them and they sound like Kool-Aid drinking cultists.
I'd appreciate it if you would point out the comments you think are significant.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
For the record Trump cannot fix this corrupt system of government we have and he knows this...
I fear you may be correct in that he may not be able fix it, but you have no way to know what he knows.
I think it is commendable that he is making an effort particularly since the task seems insurmountable.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Millions of people around the world may have been played/brainwashed big time by Trump and Musk... They want him to be God and he thinks he is God...
The brain washing has been directed in the other direction by the media (both news and entertainment), the educational system, and the manipulation of communication by Big Tech.
You have no way of knowing if his followers think he's a god or if they want him to be.
You also have no way of knowing what Trump thinks in that regard.
One can think himself important without believing he's a god.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
This is the cold hard truth about Donald Trump. He only cares about himself and he worships money and material things..
Again you make assumptions based on limited aspects of human nature.
I believe many people care about themselves and desire wealth.
That does not make them callous and uncaring towards others.
You seem to resent the fact that he is able to create and obtain wealth.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Musk is gonna be worth almost a Trillion Dollars soon. In your heart of hearts do you honestly believe 1 man should have that much personal wealth?
So you want everyone to be limited on the amount of wealth they can acquire?
That stance is only valid if you assume the wealth is taken from others and not created or earned.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Only the beast has that much wealth....
If God indeed "rules the world," He has more wealth and power by a long shot.

Last edited by chuck; 12/26/2024 10:35 AM. Reason: typos and clarity
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Actually I am not really fooled about Trump...Have you ever visited NYC and seen all the shit Trump puts his name on. Hell he even put his name on part of the West Side Highway. (Adopt a highway)

For many years religious people who have read Revelations believed it was Obama... It is NOT Obama now. Obama is finished forever politically...He was just humiliated for life in my opinion.

Anyone who believes in something different is a "cultist" according to you..

"I believe that many people care about themselves and their wealth"

Sure they do but Trump is beyond that.. And you are not being honest with yourself by not admitting this about Trump...I have never seen anyone in my life speak of themselves in the third person the way Trump does.

I get it, you voted for him and want him to do everything he says he gonna do and you dont wanna look foolish if he does the exact opposite...

I dont "resent the fact that Trump is Wealthy"

So STOP putting words into my mouth. I resent the fact that Trump WORSHIPS money literally... And if you cant see this then you need new glasses....Trump has ALWAYS symbolized the idiolation of money and material possessions..Thats an antichrist trait.

Re: Musk

He DID take money from others. Both his Space X and Tesla businesses were completely started with taxpayer money given to Musk from the government.

And if you can sit here and tell me that it is ok for one man to be worth a Trillion dollars then you have something wrong with you..


Its sad that you have no faith or belief in anything outside of this world.. I knew you didnt but I posted this article to start shit with you anyways...

Your hero worship of Trump is tiresome. Hey I like him too and voted for him but I am not gonna lie for him. I will tell it like it is about the man..

Nothing I have said about Trump and his past are false...I definately think people from NY know more about the man than others too...We really do.

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/26/2024 12:03 PM.
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Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Actually I am not really fooled about Trump...
My bad. I thought you meant what you said.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Have you ever visited NYC...
Not in the last half-century.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
...all the shit Trump puts his name on. Hell he even put his name on part of the West Side Highway. (Adopt a highway)
So he's vain and/or believes in the value of product exposure.
That does not mean he's evil.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
For many years religious people who have read Revelations believed it was Obama... It is NOT Obama now.
If Revelations generated that belief and it was wrong (or changed), then why should I trust what their new belief is?

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Obama is finished forever politically...
I believe he was just a puppet.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Anyone who believes in something different is a "cultist" according to you..
Don't put words in my mouth.
Those who swallow everything the author proclaims SOUND like cultists.
I asked you for specifics about what you liked about their comments to clarify (or select) their comments.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
I have never seen anyone in my life speak of themselves in the third person the way Trump does.
Give me an example to consider.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
I get it, you voted for him and want him to do everything he says he gonna do and you dont wanna look foolish if he does the exact opposite...
You are correct. However, so far, he has done more to validate my opinion of him than to make me look foolish.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
I dont "resent the fact that Trump is Wealthy"

So STOP putting words into my mouth. I resent the fact that Trump WORSHIPS money literally...
If true, that does not make him an antichrist.
Many people are obsessed by money.
You seem to resent the fact that he is more successful at accumulating it than most and you claim to know what's inside his head.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
He DID take money from others. Both his Space X and Tesla businesses were completely started with taxpayer money given to Musk from the government.
True enough. Taking advantage of opportunities offered is not a sin.
If he obtained the starting money by deceit or coercion, then your opinion of him may be justified.
However, just because someone is wealthy does not necessarily indicate that he is an antichrist.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
And if you can sit here and tell me that it is ok for one man to be worth a Trillion dollars then you have something wrong with you..
There are several things wrong with me, but I'm not the issue.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Its sad that you have no faith or belief in anything outside of this world..
I just don't have faith in some aspects of life that you do.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
...I posted this article to start shit with you anyways...
~grin~ You got it.

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Re: Revelations being wrong.

People have been trying to predict who the antichrist is for centuries. Some thought it was Obama, some said Bush and others said Hitler or Napoleon.....

It changes constantly with time....I have ruled out all of the above for various reasons.. None of this is an exact science of course...

However, from my studies of who the antichrist may be I have the personal opinion that it could be Trump or Musk.. Both fit the descriptions better than anyone I have ever seen...And that includes Hitler...

I also think that the Pope is possibly the False Prophet.. But these are my opinions and I am entitled to my opinions last time I checked...

"Trump believes in Product exposure"

Yeah, thats an understatement. Exactly why I asked if you were ever in NYC.. You said 50 years ago.. New Yorkers have known everything about Trump since then... He has been a fixture here... Maybe not in 1975, but since the 1980' s at least....

Truth be told, Trump has a storied history of shady money making scams.. You should read the actual facts of one of his biggest scams "Trump University"..... Click the actual court records from his top salesman at this so called "University"...

Trump has always been a snake oil salesman but I guess now we have to forget about his past because he has promised to save our country from all these bad people....As long as we bow down to him.

This could be his greatest trick yet....


Trump was taught everything he knows from the master manipulator himself Roy Cohn....Thats like Darth Sidious (aka Emperor Palpatine) teaching Darth Vader...

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/26/2024 09:11 PM.
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Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
...from my studies of who the antichrist may be I have the personal opinion that it could be Trump or Musk.. Both fit the descriptions better than anyone I have ever seen...And that includes Hitler...
I don't have much faith in biblical prophesies.
However, if I had to nominate any for the position of antichrist, I would offer Mohammad.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
You should read the actual facts of one of his biggest scams "Trump University"...
Small potatoes.
Look at the scam of our current educational system that spawned a couple of trillion dollars in student debt.

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Trump is more in love with himself than that RINO POS Sean Hannitty is in love with himself..

Just thought I would add that one in....

Its just too bad that both of these men have huge cult like followings...

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I could be off base here. There are no studies to go by. But, I don't buy the "Cult like" following. Do I support Trump? Yes. Has my support for him increased over the last for years? Absolutely. It is based on the policy issues he advocates. It isn't about him personally. I do admire the way he dealt with the lawfare and assignation attempts. Certainly, I admire the way he raised his children. He keeps getting back up and fighting for policy issues that many Americans wants. If he fails to deliver or caves into to the liberal agenda, my respect for him will lessen. It isn't Trump. It is about the fact that someone is still fighting for the working class in our country. Who cares if he even means it. Who cares if he is full of himself. Results is what this is about.

Hannity has a cult following? Hmmm, maybe he does. I double check what any media outlet says. I've watched Fox commentators take an unvetted Dr. Phil show transcript and report it as news. There may well be people who take their word as gospel. I just don't think that most people follow media commentators. They follow the message. There is probably a lot of commentators pushing a narrative that they don't even believe in.

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I do my own studies. I think for myself and I come up with my own conclusions. I dont need some dip shits conducting bogus studies or fake polls....

Musk has the highest number of followers on X sitting at about 209 million souls....

Trump has about 89 million followers on Truth Social...

These are cult like numbers.... Especially since I am not a member of either site...

You admire his children, how he took a bullet, or handled the lawfare. (Lawfare is a brand new media created term as far as I know) When did we ever start using that word "Lawfare" before? Probably never until they started using it on FOX..Just saying...

His family just seems too perfect for me on the surface....Something is not right here. Lots of smoke and mirrors to create an image I think..

Who the Hell has this kind of following on Social sites? Only a cult of personality type...

Re: Hannitty

Yeah this dope has about 3-4 million people every night glued to his show. I think its the highest on tv....All so they can listen to this Political PIMP talk about how he "was a waiter, how he does martial arts, how he painted houses and how he worked in a kitchen"...

This is a Cult of personality type too... Why would he continue to get the highest audience on TV? I havent watched this POS in 6 years....

People actually believe that Trump took a bullet for us... Christ took some nails but Trump took a bullet...He is bigger and better than Christ or God or anyone. And there are suckers who actually believe him when he repeatedly says he was sent by God.. He has said this and similiar comments....

Right then and there I started to question him...I think he is lying to the American people..


For the record: I never really wanted anything from the government except one thing.....All I ever wanted was for the government to leave me the Fuck alone...Thats it....The government gets involved in all of our lives and I want them out of mine....

I didnt vote or elect any of these mother fuckers...Of course I live in a Communist State and see this government intervention everyday...

But that is exactly what Trump was to me.. A freaking hand grenade being thrown into the system...

Maybe Trump isn't telling lies he is just bullshitting.

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/27/2024 02:29 PM.
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Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
His family just seems too perfect for me on the surface....Something is not right here. Lots of smoke and mirrors to create an image I think..
Yeah. He'd have your endorsement if only his family was dysfunctional.

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Re: Ramaswamy

I told everyone here about this Fucking slick talking sleezeball fraud..

Now he has just set off a firestorm with MAGA supporters. He wants MORE immigrants to take jobs..

I was right about him...And Trump (another pathetic Trump pick) put this PIG in charge. People are so Naive about all of this...


Elon Musk said the same thing yesterday and agreed with Ramaswamy..

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/27/2024 05:21 PM.
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Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
He [Ramaswamy] wants MORE immigrants to take jobs.
At least they are legal and productive.
It does shine a light on our crumbling educational system.

Last edited by chuck; 12/27/2024 05:42 PM. Reason: add text
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Originally Posted by chuck
Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
He [Ramaswamy] wants MORE immigrants to take jobs.
At least they are legal and productive.
It does shine a light on our crumbling educational system.

No I am talking about NON legal people (probably mostly from India) taking IT jobs away from American college graduates...

Working for much less too.. This is what Ramaswamy and Musk have called for yesterday... Which literally stabs Trump and MAGA in the back..

It has nothing to do with our educational system because recent college grads cant get these jobs if they are being undercut by Illegals..


Donald Trump is no William Wallace fighting to the death for our "freedoms" even though Trump is Scottish too....Just to let you know...

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/27/2024 09:10 PM.
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What they are saying is true and good for this country. I am a custom home builder with multiple projects going on. The sad truth is you can't get American kids to work. Give me a crew of Mexicans and they bust their asses. Get the gravy train Biden started with hand outs to illegals stopped but let the ones who come here to work stay. It fucking broke my heart when an adolescence kid showed up with this grandfather to work on a house. That kid should have been in school. But life is what it is. They were all paid well and happy as hell for the money. I pay my workers well. This is the country we live in today. The laws on immigration need to be fixed. No more coming across to live in a hotel with a visa card. No more gang members but people who will be happy to work should be welcome.

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Originally Posted by Scooby
What they are saying is true and good for this country. I am a custom home builder with multiple projects going on. The sad truth is you can't get American kids to work. Give me a crew of Mexicans and they bust their asses. Get the gravy train Biden started with hand outs to illegals stopped but let the ones who come here to work stay. It fucking broke my heart when an adolescence kid showed up with this grandfather to work on a house. That kid should have been in school. But life is what it is. They were all paid well and happy as hell for the money. I pay my workers well. This is the country we live in today. The laws on immigration need to be fixed. No more coming across to live in a hotel with a visa card. No more gang members but people who will be happy to work should be welcome.

This was about IT jobs being given to Illegals over American College grads working for less.... This is what Ramaswamy has proposed and Elon Musk just backed him up on the idea....

Now check out the latest news from Elon Musk and tell me if you think this is true and good for the country....

This has caused an uproar on X/Twitter (owned by Musk) and what does Elon Musk do to the MAGA supporters who disagree?

He suspends their accounts today...

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This is a reminder that we need to improve expectations for our youth. There is nothing wrong with putting the most qualified person in a career position. We have a problem with our youth living in their parents basements and playing video games. Let the people who can contribute to society in and succeed. We have lazy youth. They are right on that. American kids need a wake up call.

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Originally Posted by Scooby
This is a reminder that we need to improve expectations for our youth. There is nothing wrong with putting the most qualified person in a career position. We have a problem with our youth living in their parents basements and playing video games. Let the people who can contribute to society in and succeed. We have lazy youth. They are right on that. American kids need a wake up call.

Elon Musk banning Trump supporters from X/twitter who disagree with him is " a reminder that we need to improve expectations from our youth" ?

I say its a reminder that our society has learned NOTHING from history when it comes to putting charismatic people in charge like Musk/Ramaswamy and Trump....

We went through this with Hitler....And still we have learned nothing...

But maybe I am wrong then again maybe I am right..


This issue is also about hiring ILLEGALS over American kids who graduated with degrees in the Tech fields... Because guys like Musk, Ramaswamy and Trump save a fortune hiring people for peanuts...

This is NOT "Make America Great Again"...

Sorry to say that neither is building houses with Mexicans for less instead of Americans. Trust me, I see that shit everyday too...

All you gotta do is find the nearest Home Depot where Mexicans who are here illegally...Always hanging out first thing every morning looking for Contracters to come by and hire them...

No doubt everything is off the books too. Just saying..

Hell Trump built his NYC buildings with Illegal Polish labor back in the day...He got away without paying them too.. Oops, I guess I wasnt suppossed to mention that...


Did you vote for Trump so that he can import more foreign H-1B Visa workers so they can REPLACE Americans? Yes or No?

Ramaswamy and that Freak Elon Musk (both of whom are Trumps new best friends) want this....

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/28/2024 05:46 AM.
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Illegals hanging out at Home Depot must be a state by state thing. I don't see anything like that in my home state. I don't doubt that you see this. I've heard it from other friends in different areas too. In Indiana we value subcontractors who will work hard. They command a good wage. The typical American graduate doesn't want to get his hands dirty. I wouldn't want a white kid on a roof at one of my jobs. There should be an easier pathway to citizenship for Mexicans that come here to work. We need them.

In IT, the same is true. They should be here legally. When it comes to hiring in any field, it should be the most qualified candidate for the job. No DEI picks. That wasn't what Musk and Swamy were getting at. We have a problem with too many American kids loafing on their parents couch instead of being hungry to get ahead. It is a fact.

If this country needs H1-B visa workers, let them come. The first priority should be getting the punk gang members out and closing the border. Legal immigration should not be shut down. There is a lot that needs to be fixed with immigration and violent fucks that are here illegally. There should be no tax payer dollars going to support immigrates. When it comes to youth that wants to work and contribute to the good of society, hell yeah, they should be welcome.

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I still bring this back to going on a diet and weighing yourself every hour. Let's see what happens in the coming year. My biggest concern on illegal immigration is they stay good on their promise to secure the borders, end sanctuary cities, deport the criminals and stop tax payer aid to illegal citizens. The invasion of people who bring over only a sense of entitlement needs to end. The incentives for immigrates to open businesses that Americans don't have needs to end. Unless I missed, that hasn't been talked about by anyone in situation to do something about it. Immigration should be the best, brightest and eager to contribute to this country. I can't say what Musk and Vivek are doing is wrong. It isn't about them. It isn't about hilter. Let's see how it unfolds. Anything is a heck of a lot better than the Biden administration. I'd take the Obama administration and his destruction of good health insurance options over what Biden brought to this country.

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Schools across the country are eliminating honors and AP classes because it “marginalizes “ students. Schools are more interested in pronouns and dei. Neither of those produce engineers or math/science oriented students.

Serving Goddess, loving life and licking my tears from Her boots.
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Cities and States are bankrupt because they gave our tax dollars to illegals. Our school systems, hospitals, courts and healthcare system have been destroyed because of these 20 million illegals..

I dont know what goes on in Indiana (A totally RED state) but in my Communist BLUE State of CT/NY everything has been destroyed....(I live right on the border 10 minutes away from NY)

"THE IT tech jobs should be legal"

But they are not....Because people like Ramaswamy want to hire ONLY H-1B visa people from India to do the job for half the salary than an American college grad who wants more money.. So they are left living on the parents couch in some cases....Because somebody from India took their job...

Call up the toll free numbers for Amazon, Xfinity/Comcast or any big company like that right now. Go ahead. You will be talking to someone from India with bad English..

And my point about all of this AGAIN is that Trump picked Musk and Ramaswamy.. They have backstabbed Trumps supporters with their outspoken views....

If all you care about is your Mexican Roofers than this issue about Trumps bad choices shouldnt concern you...

"The typical American graduate does not want to get his hands dirty"

The typical American graduate got an engineering degree so that he WOULDN'T have to get his hands dirty or break his back lifting 100lb bags of shingles up a 30 ft ladder.

I went to law school so that I wouldnt get my hands dirty too. (Unless I am counting money)

In fact none of this has anything do with your line of work...This is about the TECH industry and WHITE COLLAR jobs..

People who worked their asses off getting a degree cant get a job because some FUCKING Indian took their job for less money...

Ramaswamy and Musk support this period. Trump made another fucking mistake with these two.


Hang onto your hat because Trump is about to make another mistake when Bill Gates (another POS) Visits him next week.

Bill Gates belongs 10 feet under a prison cell and he is requesting a meetung.. Of course Trump is all excited too...

You will see how bad this is all gonna turn out.. But dont worry about your Mexican roofers because you will be safe there..


I am not sure why you dont want white workers...I did roofing and siding for my uncle when I was 16-18. High school age. He was a contracter.

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/28/2024 02:04 PM.
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My point wasn't only about Mexican roofers. It is about ambition and work ethic. Part of the ambition starts in the education system. We've got to face that to an unacceptable degree our youth is lazy and spoiled. The US couldn't fill the tech jobs. Companies are moving overseas because they are greedy pigs. I will give you that. It doesn't discount the fact that we don't have enough low and mid range engineers to staff a large companies needs. As whipping boy pointed out, our education systems have been compromised. Every kid gets a trophy. There are racial and gender issues distracting from learning. Kids are getting passed through school who are not capable of functioning without the aid of their parents.

When it comes down to the visa's paying immigrants less, I gotta say, those kids are eager to put their dues in. An adjustment on how much less than the average salary is. Details need to be adjusted. I'd like to see something merit based that makes good old fashion sense. If this kid graduated with a 4.2 and had a high score on the entry test, give him (Or her) the job no matter what race they are. American kids need some fire under their feet. Before making judgements on how Musk and Swamy put plans into play, I'm sitting back to see the end results.

BTW, it isn't that I don't want white workers. Many of my employees and contractors are white. The young ones who are eager and agile are hard to find. I've noticed that typical white male youth do not want to work hard. Like you, I was roofing when I was young. My dad, also a home builder, had me on a roof when I was in grade school. In high school, he asked me if I wanted to play sports or make money. I went to work with him helping bring houses from the ground up. My first car was a restore, body and mechanical. He gave it to me when I turned 15 and told me to make something of it before I got my license. My vocational school buddies and I turned it in to a fucking beauty. You don't see much of that these days.

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Quick question.

Do the Mexicans abide by the strict building codes when laying down shingles or siding?

Do they use the chalk tape or any other measuring instruments to make sure everything isn't being nailed half assed?

Just curious.

I have an Uncle who built his house using 5 of his brother in laws to do all the work... He paid them with cases of beer.. I heard he somehow stole all the lumber too...

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I am really on top of what is going on with illegals and immigration.

I also know what Musk and Ramaswamy are doing is 100% against what Trumps supporters voted for....They are for cancelling jobs that Americans have and using H-1b Visa people in their place. This is a fact and I dont know how many other ways I can say this...

None of this has to do with that BULLSHIT line of Americans are too lazy and don't want to work....ALL of it has to do with MONEY..Hiring foreigners who will work for half the pay is what H-1B Visa is all about...

Now Trump just backed up Musk today....After saying he was against it in 2016....

And YES Musk and Ramaswamy are going to have a huge impact on what Trump does... (my guess is so will Bill Gates and the 14 other Billionaires Trump put in his cabinet)

Trump is NOT for the people and he never has been.. He USES the people to get what he wants out of life...

I am gonna say this as simply as I can. Trump brought these two snake oil salesman into his administration so Trump Fucked his supporters yet again... There is no other way to say this..

On top of everything, Musk who suppossedly believes in free speech just suspended/banned many Trump people and non Trump people from his X/Twitter site... All because they disagreed with him..

Also, and this is pretty funny.

Elon Musk just told some person "to go Fuck your Face" today. Then banned them. All because they didnt want to lose their job to a foreigner.

Musk just also called the MAGA/Trump supporters who don't agree with him "Racists" and is demanding they be removed from the Republican party..


I am telling you and everyone else including Chuck that Trump has sold us out... You can believe me or not believe me but we have discussed politics for 10 years together... You know very well that I was for Trump since 2015... There probably wasn't a bigger Trump supporter than me...

But he is selling us out... In a few months we are gonna be screaming for his impeachment...

I don't know what it is but I smell Trouble. This guy isn't even in office yet and already he has betrayed his millions of supporters...His true colors are showing now for the world to see....

As a born and bred New Yorker (from Queens) I have always known who Trump really was same as every other New Yorker but I voted for him anyways because as an attorney I honestly hate the political system this bad....

For me Trump was always a hand grenade being thrown into a corrupt system.... But now Trump will be the corrupt system...

If I am wrong I will eat my words but I am not...


Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/29/2024 03:54 AM.
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My understanding of H-1b visas is that they are for technical worker, often in specialized positions. These workers are paid significantly less in exchange for the opportunity for a pathway for citizenship. My first hand experience with them is exactly zero. So, I am not claiming to be an expert. What I would need to see before forming a strong opinion on this is hardcore data. How many positions are truly lost for Americans of equal education, experience and merit? I am all for Americans first but I do respect this form of immigration over hand outs for unvetted illegals. We should welcome people who have value and respect to bring to this country and are willing to work for a pathway to citizenship.

Along the same lines, it major issue I have with planned immigration, is the grants and business licenses for foreigners that Americans do not have access to. I'm talking about gas stations, mini marts and the like. I spend way too much time driving state to state in the US, both because of the homes I own but also for my daughter's hockey. It is almost rare to see these type of businesses owned by American born citizens. In Columbus, Ohio, there is a little area outside of downtown that is unrecognizable from what it was 20 years ago. It was subtly changing then but now...unbelievable. Most businesses are foreign owned and the neighborhoods have gone down the gutter. If the same type of pride and care was taken when, just as one example, when the Italians were setting up pizza shops and restaurants, it would be a delight. But, it isn't like that now. Too many people come over with entitlement and near contempt for Americans. Everything is made easy for them so they have no respect. Like H-1b visas, there should be work and sacrifice.

I could have a flawed view of this. I'm only going on what I've read and some of what I've experienced first hand.

When it comes to people like Gates visiting Trump, I'm not crazy about because I have utter contempt for the man. But, he has a lot of influence in the world. It is understandable that Trump would agree to see him. In Obama's first term, he agreed to meet with Steve Jobs. Obama didn't take Job's advice, which he really should have. But, wealthy influencers get in to see political figures, whether anything comes from it or not That is the way it has always been.

One more word on the original topic: Jobs implored Obama to put technical education of Americans as a priority. As a devout Democrat, he was an Obama supporter even though he disagreed with him on a few issues. Jobs said that he had no choice but to open a large plant in another country because there were not enough entry level engineers in the US. He lamented about the importance of American youth keeping up with technical education, from entry level to advanced.

Another one more word on the original topic: Kennedy Jr. brought to light about the catastrophic vaccination program that Gates came up with and was pushing some years ago. A lot of young girls lost their lives over his program. Kennedy has been quiet lately, from what I can tell. He can't be be happy about the Gates meeting either. I have no idea why Gates asked for a meeting. But, if health and safety are to be involved, Kennedy should have been invited to the meeting.

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Here is a good link about H-1b Visa program.

It's a disaster run by the government with a lottery system and exploited by big employers... Instead of hiring Americans for jobs that REQUIRE college degrees they hire these temporary foreign born people because they pay them DIRT...

They use (LIE) the excuse that the American kids with college degrees are lazy...But it's really all about hiring slave labor...It's the same concept as Contractors (won't mention names) that hire Mexicans (who are here illegally) instead of Americans who want more money..

They may claim the Mexican worker works his ass off compared to the White American kid...I would argue that the Mexican (here illegally) is more desperate for work so he has to work his ass off for peanuts. Especially the type of work that is easily paid under the table. That's my theory...

Here is another tidbit about H-1b Visa program. Employers use the American worker who already has the job with the company to literally train the foreigner that's about to take his job. Then they fire the American who was with the company for years....It's all about the money.

Re: Planned immigration and grants

You are 100% correct on this. I researched this a few years ago because like you I was wondering why is EVERY gas station, 7-11, Hotel and Motel owned by someone usually from India...

They are given gigantic grants with our tax money to start these businesses.. This is a fact...I don't think I have ever been to a gas station or convenience store in my life that wasn't owned by someone from India....

Our government has sold its people out years ago and it's a never ending story..

Re: Gates

He belongs in HELL.. Trump should not be meeting with this guy under any circumstances.. But that's Trump. It's his M.O..

His base is furious with him right now....


As far as his agenda goes getting rid of these illegals etc.. I would bet right now that every move he makes is gonna be met with lawsuits galore from the other side....Each lawsuit is gonna delay everything he attempts to do...Just like last time...


Here is another fact.. The one thing Trump, Musk and Ramaswamy have in common is their business partners have always been the United States government or some locally greased politicians in Trumps case...

Trump practically built his entire business by greasing these sleezeballs.
Trump has exploited the system for decades and he was taught step by step on how to do it from Roy Cohn....(look up Roy Cohn)
Same with Musk... Both his Space X and Telsa companies were completely funded at their beginning from United States taxpayers money given to him by our government....And Musk is NOT even from America he is from South Africa....

Re: Ramaswamy

This should have been the biggest red flag of all. The fact that he accepted Soros money which put him through Yale Law School...

Ramaswamy was already millionaire when he accepted Soros award he said he needed to pay for law school. After he was already a millionaire.

Ramaswamy is literally an anchor baby, both of his parents WERE NOT even citizens and his father never became one...Ramaswamy is totally in favor of the H-1b program because it is mostly his people from India who are taking these jobs away from Americans..

And we all know that even though Ramaswamy was born here, his real roots are in India...He is a fraud in my book.. Trump Fucked up again and will never learn..

It was never about Make America Great Again it was about Make Trump Great Again.

Trump escaped jail, he was elected King and his new Prime Minister is Elon Musk.. Trump needed his base to get elected but he has no more use for them....This was all a con..

These are facts not opinions anymore.

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/29/2024 03:15 PM.
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I have mixed feelings on the visa program, which I touched on in my earlier post. Over the years, I've heard conflicting information. It would be good to have more detailed information and first hand experiences from Americans who have been impacted by it. I'd like to hear more from Musk and Vivek on how they intended it should be run and if they intend to make changes to the program.

When it comes to Mexican workers, be it in a warehouse, landscaping for construction, I've seen know how hard and skillfully they work. Word has long been out that they are paid a fraction of white workers. But, from what I've seen, that has not been the case. I will spare you the details unless you really want to know because it will be paragraphs long. For the record, I've never knowingly hired an illegal immigrant. I've never asked because it would incredibly rude. But, I've not seen any Mexican worker, which is unavoidable these days with immigration what it is, not be paid well, nor would I ever be part of it even if they quoted an unfair wage. My impression, which is just that, is that it started out as paying drastically less, but then wages came up to fair.

As far as who Trump has been friends, I don't care. My concern is performance and not watching every step with speculation. It is like watching over a cook's shoulder with every little thing instead of waiting for the dish, or, at least, just the appetizer. He disappointed me in his first term with multi issues. But, overall, I'd take it happily over what we had in the four years following. He probably did a lot of others too. I don't buy the cult like following dismissal. There are going to be nutjobs in any crowd but, I'd like to think most supporters are looking for results, regardless of who they are delivered by.

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Elon said very clearly that the visa program needs an overhauled, offering the visas to highly specialized experts and ending compromised wages. The problem with this not getting out is the media.

With all due respect, it sounds as if Joy Reid hacked into your account.

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Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
...I am talking about NON legal people (probably mostly from India) taking IT jobs away from American college graduates...
I believe the visa programs are not illegal, just abused.

Frankly, I didn't know much about the H1B programs except when Disney was outed several years ago as they forced the laid off Americans to train their Indian replacements.
I'm coming around to your point.
I agree that the way it is abused is unfair to both the American and Indian workers involved.

Here are a couple of links from a pundit whom I respect that relates the program to the current political situation:
A Highly Toxic Silicon Valley Meltdown Over Well Documented H1B Visa Fraud Explodes
Despite New York Post Phone Call, Question and Answer, Donald Trump Companies Do Not Use H1B Visas

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They are both good articles Thanks..

The first article basically confirms what I have been hollering about for the past two days....The abuse is astrominical.

The H-1b Visa program is basically modern day slavery in a nutshell...It's also socialism to the extreme....As the article says, Everything Musk and Ramaswamy are doing and their nasty arguments against Trump Supporters are straight out of the Marxist handbook "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky....

Musk has literally screamed at Maga supporters and called them "racists" not to mention he called for their removal from the Republican party....

This is ironic and rich considering Elon Musk was born in South Africa which was/is one of the most racist countries on earth...

Musk is the most dangerous man on the planet as far as I am concerned...

Re: The second article and Trump...

Trump never should have came out and said what he said regarding H-1b Visa being great and that he used them... He did use the other form of H -2B visas for his temporary resort help. This was common knowledge..Basically he hires these foreign nationals in the OFF seasons at his resorts and golf clubs...When the summer staff leaves...

But I also believe he used the H-1B visa too regardless if they found records or not....A lot of those hires could be off the books (this is how shady the program is) and the program has been around for decades....Trump wouldn't have said he used these visas if he didn't mean it...So I will take him at his word...

It's also common knowledge that Trump used illegal Polish workers in the early 80's to do the construction on his NY buildings...Word has it that he stiffed them too....But that is neither here nor there and that point is mute.

I just know a Marxist/Communist when I see and here them because I have unfortunately read the same books so I know their game plan...If you remember I used to call maxwebber a Marxist everyday because I knew what he was promoting..


This is why I say Trump supporters are going to be screaming soon if Trump let's these two dictate policies...90% of Trump supporters probably have no idea yet....Again I am always looking 5 miles or 5 months down the road....

The bottom line is that neither visa program promotes hiring Americans. On the contrary it promotes the hiring of Foreign people at slave wages...

And it is NOT just the tech industry....Marxists like Musk and Ramaswamy justify their actions by calling American college grads lazy...The reality is they don't want to pay good wages...


Have you ever wondered why these gigantic companies donate so much to these corrupt politicians? These Visa programs are one example/reason why because the government runs these programs on a "lottery system"...This lottery system begins every March....But like everything else our government does, it is corrupt too.

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/29/2024 09:49 PM.
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You could be jumping the gun here. Here is an article from New York Post that clarifies Musk's position. I'm not certain if his position changed or if the media was so foaming at the mouth to take him down they ran with the story without bothered to get their facts straight. It is close to what I was hoping it was all along, as posted here. The propaganda machine reacting prematurely to every breath someone takes is not good for the health of this country.

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Originally Posted by Cheyenne
You could be jumping the gun here. Here is an article from New York Post that clarifies Musk's position. I'm not certain if his position changed or if the media was so foaming at the mouth to take him down they ran with the story without bothered to get their facts straight. It is close to what I was hoping it was all along, as posted here. The propaganda machine reacting prematurely to every breath someone takes is not good for the health of this country.

I saw his backtrack. It means nothing except he was getting crucified by MAGA... He knows what he said and he knows what he wants. He is an absolute Marxist same as Ramaswamy...

I have been saying that about Ramaswamy ever since he came onto the scene....

I have read Alinskys books several times. In fact its on my bookshelf and I am staring at it as I write....Its clear as day that Musk is/has been using this Marxist blueprint his entire life. You have to read it to understand...Obama used this book as well....

Musks verbiage and defense of his actions is Alinsky 101....

A wolf ALWAYS comes in sheeps clothing...

I never liked or trusted Musk ever... In fact I believe Musk belongs in a prison cell for Stock Manipulation and Fraud...So do many others..

Thats another story but it has to do with his Doge Coin Manipulation... He is actually very lucky he wasn't indicted....

He was actually sued by investors of that crypto currency but a judge decided it lacked merit....

I followed that entire story from start to finish...

He is pure evil...

In fact I was blown away when Musk endorsed Trump and they started palling around together. The first thing I thought was this guy belongs in prison....


You can't take back this comment Musk made..

"The reason I'm in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B.

"I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend,"

There are NO take backs on those kind of remarks.

Personally, some could take that as a possible violent threat of some sort.. This guy is a madman.

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/30/2024 01:45 AM.
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You may well be right. You very often are. It is just too soon and not enough for my alarm bell to sound. I've read where some are saying that he had a prior stance of saying the program needs a major overhaul and was being abused. Others have declared he is backpedaling. As for his comment, that got my attention to. But, it can be misleading to glean an opinion from one brief remark. Look how many times they look one line from an entire conversation Trump had and use it out of context. Was he talking about house members that fight an well needed overhaul? Did he mean he'd play dirty tricks or battle it hard in a constructive way to pass? It is unfair the American people are left with little information on so many issues and left to speculate and field through the media machine's commentary.

Btw, our fellow poster Tristin is a senor level programmer with a vast array of experience. He has a strong opinion on the subject. He's lived it a bit of it, so I asked him to offer his opinion when he gets a chance. While I very much respect his take on this...I've watched go through changes in the job market over the years...I only 70% agree with him. But, still it would be nice to hear from someone with firsthand experience.

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This was of notice to me as well. I work as an information systems manager at an upper management level. For the last 5 years, I've been with a large company. They farm some jobs overseas. We have some visa h1 workers in house. There are a few Asians that went to college here, probably on a grant, that don't need a visa. I haven't seen the overtake of American born jobs. If the department I manage was required to train their replacement because the company could save money, we'd all walk off the job. I'd lead the way. The bastards in executive management would do that in a heartbeat. For some reason, they haven't. I do see the other side of this as it pertains to efficiency. The visa workers and Asian grant employees produce more. They don't whine about stay at home jobs. In general, they show up with appreciation. As an American, I'd stand by American workers on principal.

Along with importing foreign tech, this country needs to wake the hell up and reform the education system. Reforming the visa bill will be meaningless without it.

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How about if sub_ted was right the whole time about Trump and "12 year old Jane Doe" and we just laughed and made fun of him?

I am starting to wonder now lol.

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Originally Posted by whippingboy
If the department I manage was required to train their replacement because the company could save money, we'd all walk off the job. I'd lead the way.
I believe that would cost you a severance package -- something that many couldn't afford to do especially considering they would be unemployed.

Originally Posted by whippingboy
Along with importing foreign tech, this country needs to wake the hell up and reform the education system. Reforming the visa bill will be meaningless without it.
That is true with many of the reforms that are proposed.

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Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Musk is the most dangerous man on the planet as far as I am concerned...
Well he's not immune from blow back.
Elon Calms Down: Musk Calls for ‘Major Reform’ of ‘Broken’ H-1B Visa System Despite Fiery Defense

I wonder if Trump had anything to say to him in private.
Like him or not, Musk has much to offer if he can be guided into supporting the MAGA effort.

Originally Posted by Fahrenheit451
Have you ever wondered why these gigantic companies donate so much to these corrupt politicians?
I've always just assumed it was because those politicians were corruptible.

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How is this for Musk changing his tune...

In April of 2024 (8 months ago while he was campaigning for Trump) he laid off 15,000 American workers at his Tesla plants in Texas and California.. He replaced them with foreign H-1B visa people...

"Musk has much to offer"

Sure he does because I believe he is the fucking antichrist for real... And biblical prophesies say the antichrist is gonna offer a lot..

He is a filthy disgusting Pig who belongs in a Prison cell in my opinion..

And trust me, I am days away from saying Fuck Trump too...An elitist NYC con man who has been conning the public for decades..And fuck the 14 Billionaires and dozens of Fox News Celebrities that he filled his cabinet up with too...

Like I said before: Trump needed his base to get elected and stay out of jail..Now that he won, he is basically saying thanks sucker's but see you later...

Now he has fully endorsed Mike Johnson...And please don't give me the bullshit line of "Trump has something up his sleeve"

That's how I feel and I am just giving you a heads up. But don't take my word for it.

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