I think I have said this before (about 176 times)
They (these politicians) want us DEAD.....When the American citizens can finally accept this truth, the better off we all will become.
After watching some of these hearings I have come to realize just how much I detest and hate these Washington politicians....The list is so long that I would be here all night naming names...
I seriously don't even know who to begin with.. Adam Schiff?Blumenthal? Hirono from Hawaii (asking everyone including Pam Bondi if they ever raped anyone) ?
Or how about AOC (who is still screaming about letting guys play woman's sports)? Yeah AOC is pissed that guy's are not being allowed to play on women's teams....AOC is hopping mad that boys are being prevented from going into girls bathrooms......
Or how about that Communist Fuck Bernie Sanders who became a multi millionaire (with four homes) without ever working a day in his pathetic Communist Assed life..
Can you just imagine how pathetic the people who live in the state's or districts that these politicians live in are.. Somebody keeps voting for these pukes.. I sure as hell know it's not me voting them in year after year..