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#547 04/07/2024 09:29 AM
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He broke records for fund raising. People are fed the fuck up with Democratic controlled destruction of the US. MAGA.

Scooby #548 04/07/2024 02:41 PM
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You realize that that $50M goes straight into his personal wallet and benefits no one but himself including the republicans, do you not?

He is the DOLLAR king!

Hopefully, someone will find that wooden stake soon!

Properly used,THAT should get him THE BLOOD that he's yakking about!

Ted #551 04/07/2024 09:02 PM
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No, it does not.

Ted #554 04/08/2024 02:02 PM
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Hey Genius, it was a CAMPAIGN fund raising event, like the one Biden had the week before. The only differences are that Trump raised twice as much and didn't skip the funeral of a police office who was murdered by an illegal thug that the Democrats let into the country. Maybe the thug was one of the hundreds of thousands they flew directly in.

Last edited by Scooby; 04/08/2024 04:11 PM.
Ted #555 04/08/2024 04:56 PM
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This type of talk will get the madman elected. We need to be talking about his failures as President. They had on him January 6th but didn't press insurrection charges. They came up with smaller indictments instead. It is stupidity on the Democrats behalf. He could have already been behind bars. Trump is an extremist on abortion. He did nothing to address homelessness or public education. He did nothing to help with student loan debt or high price of education. He is a supporter of the NRA. He had a homophobic VP. These are things that will defeat him instead of sending the narcissist's sky rocketing in poll numbers.

Last edited by MissMary; 04/08/2024 05:14 PM.
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If they "Had him" for insurrection, do you not think they would have charged him? The decision on who is elected should be up the tax paying voters. How do you feel about political opponents being kept off ballots? They tried that with Trump, Kennedy Jr. and Dean Phillips. I enjoy your participation here and happy spirit. I'm not looking to cause hard feelings. But, I have to ask. How do you not see Democratic election interference?

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MissMary posted: "They had on him January 6th but didn't press insurrection charges."
Response: There was no insurrection on January 6. The incident was triggered by leftists and used as a tool to suppress the freedom of assembly.

MissMary posted: "Trump is an extremist on abortion."
Response: Accusations of Trump's traits and actions have continuously been fabricated or distorted. That is the case here.

MissMary posted: "[Trump] did nothing to address homelessness..."
Response: He fought for border security. Without it, we now have 10 million more people we have to house.

MissMary posted: "[Trump did nothing to] address public education."
Response: He promoted school choice. With no competition, public schools have become inefficient and the quality of education has declined alarmingly.

MissMary posted: "[Trump] did nothing to help with student loan debt" He didn't give preference to those who accumulated that debt and didn't pay it off. He did not shaft those who did borrow responsibly and pay off their obligations.

MissMary posted: "[Trump did nothing about the] high price of education."
Response: Giving students "free" money for education causes inflation for education. The lower quality of education takes away the value of that education.

MissMary posted: "[Trump] is a supporter of the NRA."
Response: As he should be. With the increase of crime, the massive influx of unvettred "immigrants," the defunding of police, the non enforcement (or worse, selective enforcement) of our laws, etc. have all contributed to a need for citizens' self protection.

MissMary posted: "[Trump] had a homophobic VP."
Response: I'm not a fan of Pence, but name calling doesn't make your case.

Consider that under Trump, our economy was prospering, inflation was held at bay, he made great strides in Mid-East peace, we had energy independence, our military wasn't hurting for recruits, Russia was held at bay, the border was becoming more secure, etc.

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chuck #560 04/09/2024 03:17 AM
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You are gonna find some real ignorant people here who have no concept of the destruction of this country .....Or the horrors this government has created...Not just in the United States but for the whole world.....I will say it again (for the 500th time) the "535" have destroyed everything...

They just don't care and there is no amount of screaming that anyone can do to change their ignorance...

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 04/09/2024 03:20 AM.
chuck #561 04/09/2024 04:42 AM
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The talk of wooden stakes and pushing half baked law suits is backfiring. If Trump is to be defeated, it will be on his performance and stances on issues. As a bi sexual woman whose life evolves around the fetish community, I don't want Trump back in the WH. He set out to get Roe overturned. I'm not calling Pence names, only pointing out that Trump selected a VP who was opposed to homosexuality. It is not the government's job to judge who people have sex with. The way it is going now, I won't be voting this time around. I agree with some of your positions. I was pointing to Trump's vulnerabilities. As a progressive, it is maddening to see these not being the issues promoted against him.

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I agree that it his harmful to keep candidates off the ballot. Phillips called that correctly. I would have liked to have seen a Haley/Phillips ticket, in any order that went. I can't go in for the oppression against the LGBTQ community or control over female's reproductive rights. The insurrection? That was clearly encouraged by Trump. He could have called those people back at any time. He had a rally to oppose the election results blocks away from the WH.

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You make a valid point that the witch hunt and hateful remarks are backfiring. You aren't alone in that opinion. Several commentators on the left have warned of the same thing. I do have to ask, why do you believe they haven't charged him with insurrection or even incitement if they believe there is a strong case? As for oppression of the gay and alternative lifestyle community, what has Trump done or said that would lead you to believe this? Is his choice in VP the only reason?

Ted #565 04/09/2024 02:23 PM
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I don't know the rules of campaign donations. But, the people making significant donations at the fund raiser do. Big money donors are generally savvy people. If they are fine with everything, why should you have a problem with it?

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MissMary posted: "As a bi sexual woman whose life evolves around the fetish community, I don't want Trump back in the WH."
Response: Don't you see the collapse of our nation is more important than judging someone because they don't share your sexual philosophy?
Look at what has happened in the three short years under leftist policies:
Inflation, war and nuclear war threats, crime, open borders, economy, energy, loss of freedom, censorship, etc. etc. etc.

MissMary posted: "[Trump] set out to get Roe overturned."
Response: His position is not as extreme as depicted by the MSM.
He's trying to throw that hot potato to the individual states - a more appropriate level than federal, in my opinion.
As to women's rights (including abortion), leftist policies do more to restrict them than do conservative policies:
The increase in crime and rape affects women, yet liberal judges release criminals and rapists who happen to be caught by the liberals' defunded and weakened police forces.
Rape is a serious offense and, in many cases, should be a capital offense.
Rape laws should be strictly enforced. (Conversely, false charges should be prosecuted as well).
A woman's right to say "no" in the first place is more important than any right to abort the result.

The liberals oppose citizens carrying firearms despite the fact that a gun does more to equalize women against men than any restraining order.

Women are robbed of their ability to take top honors in their sports because liberal policies allow men to pretend they are women just so they can dominate in sports.

Liberal border policy have allowed millions of unvetted "immigrants" to enter our country.
Look to Sweden for the effect of foreign born rapists. We can expect that here.
Also, as areas start being dominated by Muslims, Sharia law is imposed.
Consider France with their no-go-zones (Officially "sensitive urban zones").
I wouldn't want to be a woman, a trans, or a gay anywhere near such areas.

Conservatives are more concerned about women than the liberals who spout off how they "help" women.
Liberals demonize Trump by lying and misinterpreting what he says and does.
Remember the "pussy tape?"
Liberals pushed the idea that he was bragging about molesting women when in fact he indicated he respected their right to say "no."

MissMary posted: "It is not the government's job to judge who people have sex with."
Response: It is not the government's job to promote sexual activity, particularly to children in schools.
In my opinion, pushing a child into transgenderism is child abuse and keeping such efforts from parents is criminal.
It is wrong for a school or a government to promote a sexual lifestyle.

MissMary posted: "As a progressive, it is maddening to see these not being the issues promoted against him."
Response: As a conservative, it is maddening to me that Trump's accomplishments are ignored and only issues that involve sexual behavior are considered.

Last edited by chuck; 04/09/2024 09:48 PM.
chuck #575 04/10/2024 10:05 AM
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It isn't about someone sharing my sexual philosophy. It is about a leader, of this country, loudly condemning them. In some cases, a leader of this country actively working against people because of their sexual orientation. Everyone should stay out of each other's personal lives.

I agree the last 3 years have been bad for the country. It is why I'd like to see a moderate Democrat ticket. Try to understand people in my shoes. Religious zealots on one side and people who put other countries before the US on the other.

I'm against biologically born males in women's supports? Why do you suggest otherwise? I've not commented on that, I've not commented on a lot of the things you are throwing at me. My nieces and nephews are the highlight of my life. I don't want them taught age in appropriate things in school. Trust me, someone who is kinky or drawn toward same sex relationships doesn't need any coaching. Young people will find their way when the time naturally comes. Why would you assume I believe differently? Respectfully, what is your problem? If you are looking for an arguement, we can find things we actually disagree on.

Trump did some good things. It is his alliance with the zealots and NRA that bother me. I don't like stripping everyone of guns. I have one for personal protection. The automatic weapons that mentally ill people have access too, children having access to their irresponsible parent's guns and no background checks at some venues is dangerous. I believe Trump to be an extremist who panders to his extremist donors. This doesn't mean I want drag day in children's schools.

I'm sure you mean well. I look forward to conversing with you here. I do encourage you not to assume everyone is all or nothing.

Last edited by MissMary; 04/10/2024 10:05 AM.
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chuck #583 04/11/2024 04:55 PM
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Trump has never bragged about molesting women. What a bullshit lie. Listen to the tape. Do you believe everything being dished up and spoon fed to you by the controlling class?

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MissMary posted: "I look forward to conversing with you here."
Response: Likewise.
From your posts, it seems we have similar or parallel moral values and agree on many issues.
I also respect your intelligence.
You appear to be moderate or flexible on issues and open to consider contrary points.
I, on the other hand, lean far right on most issues and I'm not flexible when I believe I'm right.
It is rare for me to vacillate on an issue that is important to me.
I consider contrary points as challenges to be addressed and/or discredited, not points to ignore or deflect.
Some of the longest exchanges on issues have been with posters I respect but disagree with.
It really frustrates me when someone I respect can't see what seems obvious to me.
Though I try to be civil, I'm told my posts can be pretty caustic.
If I offend you, let me know; I'll apologize, attempt to justify, or both.

As to the issues I presented in my previous post, I offered them as issues that are related to the Democrats being in power.
I was not trying to accuse you of supporting those issues, but to point out that support for Democrats exacerbates damaging positions and demonizing Trump minimizes the benefits that he has and can produce.

I understand you don't like Trump but you support your reasons with vague disparaging remarks.
You mention you don't like Trump's position or attitude concerning the fetish community.
I included issues where I thought Trump's ability and philosophy would prove to be far more beneficial for that community than liberal policies that are toxic and divisive.

I think you should seriously consider voting for Trump.

Scooby #588 04/12/2024 06:40 AM
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Scooby posted:"Trump has never bragged about molesting women. What a bullshit lie. Listen to the tape. Do you believe everything being dished up and spoon fed to you by the controlling class?"
Response: Short answer: No.

I believe you either misread my post or pointed your post at me in error.
It galls me the media continue to claim Trump admitted to molesting women on an Access Hollywood tape.

This is my interpretation of the tape:
First, an overview:
Consider that there was a massive search to get dirt on Trump.
The fact is, the best they could do was to dig up a ten year old private conversation and then convince the populace that what he meant was different than what he said.
If that's the worst they can come up with after all their research, it indicate there is little else available.
If he said "they let me get away with murder," the sound bite would have been useless.
Instead, with locker room bravado, he used a crude way of indicating he got to second or third base.
But the deceit was successful and they had millions believe their deception and many of them even demonstrated wearing "pussy hats."

Second, the tape itself:
It starts, not to his credit, with his recounting of hitting on a married woman.
Marital status aside, his method of seduction was not plying her with alcohol or drugs, but with doing a favor in helping her buy furniture.
He admits getting nowhere. That means when she said "no," he respected that.

Next they start commenting about Arianne Zucker who is approaching. In the bravado of locker room talk, as they made leering comments about her, Trump commented that when you're a star, they let you get away with anything, even grabbing their pussy.
Note that the key word is "let." His statement clearly indicates that despite being rich and powerful, he was rejected and he respected "no" as an answer. With stardom, he found women were now seeking (or at least consenting to) his advances.

Many have criticized his kissing comments, but actually it clearly illustrates that comments during the bravado of locker-room talk is just that--talk.
After all that talk of being aggressive, Trump had to be pushed into a hug. If there was a kiss involved, it was either an air kiss or a brushing cheek kiss--a definite waste of tic tacs.
It's a clear example of the difference between bravado talk and actions.

At the end, notice that it took effort on her part to walk next to Trump. She hadn't found his actions objectionable.

This incident, with the fact that millions were sold on the idea that Trump had admitted assaulting women, is a clear example of the effectiveness of MSM lies and distortions.

So again, "no." I don't "believe everything being dished up and spoon fed to me by the controlling class."

Last edited by chuck; 04/12/2024 06:47 AM. Reason: typo
chuck #592 04/12/2024 08:33 AM
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I intended that for ted. Sorry, man. You and I are in complete agreement on this. The can't prove anything on Trump, as hard as they've looked. All they can do is drum up lies to tarnish him in the public's eye.

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