This is a thought provoking topic. For me, I had never thought much about female domination or bdsm. Then, in my early 40's, I began dating a woman who is very much wired that way. I was already in love with her so anything she suggested, I was turned on by. Today, she is my wife. We have a custom built dungeon in the basement of our home. We have couple sessions with a professional at least once a year. It doesn't define our lives or relationship but plays a big part. The experiences I've shared with her have opened doors that I would have never thought of. I don't see myself submissive outside of erotic interaction. She wouldn't like it if I was. She likes the protection and strength of a man in daily life but a love struck puppy willing to do anything erotically. I thank my lucky stars for such a unique fit for the second phase of both of our lives.