I started this as a reply to Tristan in another thread but it got longer than I intended so I figured I’d make it a separate post.

The kidnapping story - unfortunately I don’t remember a lot of specifics about it. It happened I believe in the late 90s. Definitely pre cell phone times and pre when every credit card purchase and statement was online. The Domme was long retired
Madame Cole De Sade who was very active on early Max Fisch or the precursor to MF. I still can’t believe I was able to pull this and a few other session out of town trips off as well. My wife and kids had to have been out of town I would think. I know I left in the morning, flew to NYC and was back home the same night.

I don’t remember how I got from the airport into Manhattan. She must’ve given me a starting location and some directions and I was walking around and went into a store or two where I was handed more instructions and maybe a package. I’m sure I was excited and very nervous which was the point. At some point I got off track but I think she must’ve paged me and got me back onto where she wanted me. I was walking and all of a sudden I felt someone push me from behind up onto a parked car. She quickly handcuffed me behind my back, threw a coat over my back and walked me about a block into a building and onto an elevator. When we got off the elevator she had me strip and put an adult diaper on me, put me in a cage, told me she’d be back in 5 minutes and ordered me to piss myself which was very humbling but also a huge turn on and I’m surprised with all the sessions I’ve done no one has ever had me do it again.

The only other specific I remember from the whole session was at one point she took me into another room where she had a slave in black latex suspended from a frame and ordered me to give him a blowjob which I did. I wish I remembered more. I definitely wish I had kept a diary of all my sessions over the years but too late now and I’m sure I never did it because of a very legitimate fear of the diary being found.

One last thought here which I’ve mentioned in a few other posts over the years is that while it’s so much easier nowadays to find Dommes and arrange sessions with everything on the internet it’s much more difficult, for me at least, to be able to save money and purchase things with every transaction being online which is frustrating. Also with cell phones it’s very common to get texts and phone calls from family that need to be answered within a reasonable period of time and where I’m needed to do something so I can’t be off in another part of the country and out of touch.