This one time... At bondage camp...

I started talking with this blond woman Domme/Switch. She wanted to tie me up and flog me and other stuff. I liked her. She seemed fun... At one point, I think after I took my shirt off, she asked me "how old are you?". I answered truthfully (24? I think I was?) , and she kinda freaked. "That's the same age as my son!"

I said "Listen, I'm not him. I don't know him. Let's not worry about that. I think you are sexy as fuck and I want to worship you like a Goddess."

It worked, for a while anyway... I subbed for a while and it was fun, but at the end the Mom in her came out, which killed the vibe for her. Which kinda sucked because I could have totally slipped into subbing for a Mommy Domme. I would have done all kinds of roleplay.

These days it's almost too easy to find girls younger than me with Daddy issues that are looking for a DaddyDom. That has a certain amount of fun. The last woman I dated was 40, but it was easy to do things like "Ok baby, bathtime! Daddy's going to get you nice and clean in the tub, get you dried off and into your jammies. You can watch cartoons for 1 hour but then it's bedtime. Daddy will tuck you in and kiss you goodnight."

And she knew the goodnight kiss was really goodnight oral sex.

Age inevitably impacts a relationship/dynamic/play... And everything really... But I try not to let it have a negative impact.