Satan will have a new permanent resident very soon in his eternal fires of Hell. .His name is Joe Biden....

This is what happens to a person who lives a life dedicated to destroying others for personal gain..... They become FUCKING OLD....Their cognitive abilities are Not there anymore....And the rest of us have to witness this.......I deal with these types everyday since I handle Probate/Will related issues......This guy actually thinks he will get mercy when he doesn't even have remorse......

The victims who were murdered because of this evil fucking man are so long that I can't even remember all their names.....

A WASTED LIFE for sure...

"I came from Scranton Pa"....."My son Beau Biden died in Iraq"....."A drunk driver killed my wife and baby".........An entire existence on this earth built on lies......Joe Biden....

He might live nice and comfortable now with all his stolen wealth but he WILL NOT escape justice......And we were just speaking about justice the other day in another post....

I asked "What is the difference between justice and vengeance"...

This would be justice, (watching this Animal Joe Biden burn in Hell) especially since there is ZERO justice in the "justice system"

His days on this earth are numbered.....Just my opinion.
