My close friend and fellow poster, Tristin, recently had a case of that. I will let him tell the story. Given that it didn't cause any more damage than embarrassment, It is funny story. It got me to thinking about personal experiences with this and other people I know who have done the same.
The worst that comes to mind is a former client and friend who accidentally sent Christmas emails to all of his friends, family and co workers from the wrong email account. The email account he sent them from? Pee on me. The blow out with this wife nearly ended in divorce.
Mine have been more gentle. Once, I was buying an electronic training collar from a pet store. It was to go around my slave's balls, of course. The young man behind the desk asked what kind of dog I had. Without thinking, I answered, "Oh, I don't have dog." (This happened to be one of the rare times I didn't.) The look on his face was priceless.
Another time is when I was very much pregnant with my youngest child. My older children and I were spending the summer in an idealistic upper middle class, family oriented lake front community in Tennessee. The people who lived there were sweet, country people who had grown up in the very rural area. As I was out for my daily walk, looking like innocent soccer mom, I passed by a neighbor who was electronic collar training their young schnauzer. After exchanging pleasantries, in parting I said, "Don't let your wife get a hold of that." It just came rolling right out of my mouth. Again, another priceless look.
How about you?