Lady Cheyenne, your experience in this area is far more varied than mine, since the overwhelming majority of my sessions were (are) in the NYC area over the years. Yes, over the decades, getting a session here “could be arranged as easily as ordering a pizza.” (A real NYC pizza and not from one of those doughy items from national chains. LOL!) Beginning in the ‘70s to at least the early ‘00s BDSM was flourishing in Manhattan, and the dungeons and independent Mistresses supported at least a couple of now bygone S&M publications with their ads for sessions. From the ‘70s into the ‘90s there was plenty of open space in the West 20s and 30s for “artists,” locations that were previously light manufacturing buildings, for dungeons. Independents could get large studio apartments, to live and session out of, or just for sessions. And, from what I read and heard, the NYPD didn’t really take notice until the Giuliani administration came on board when the first wave of developers swooped in to snap up these buildings. (That was not a coincidence.)

I’ve been in and out of the scene for years at a time since college, but the ‘90s was the last time I really took chances and went to dungeons. I began to prefer independents and my original Mistress Belle de Jour was only managing / owning one dungeon part time, and for privacy. Independents became my thing and the scene spread to Queens, Brooklyn and Jersey City by the late ‘90s and 2000 due to rising rents and maybe NYPD. I only had one hour sessions, too cheap I guess to go longer. My longer sessions were those handful of occasions I was brought in as a cleaning sub a couple of times for independents, or I was the sub for a Mistress training session. And I can’t remember when I had a dungeon session, but that’s more about me than the scene here.

My memories of LA in the ‘90s/‘00 was like NYC: hour sessions and you could call the night before a session, or the same day, and get one. Strangest dungeon session I ever had was in LA, a large facility, had security cameras in the room they told you about before session in so nothing “illegal” would happen. (Great equipment and props, but kept looking over my shoulder. Lousy session.) Based on circa 2000 and pics of parades, etc. I thought San Francisco was the capital of BDSM in the U.S. Might have been, but I had just two sessions there and the place seemed quiet. You had to call a day or two in advance.

Vegas was, and probably still is, a tough place for BDSM. I was a regular with a dominatrix there (and when she came to NYC) and to do sessions with her I had to meet her without making eye contact, just to be around in case hotel or police security got suspicious. Nothing ever happened. Had a session with a domina/porn star in Vegas once, she was hesitant until we found out we were at the same hotel and I was a few floors away from her. LOL! Finally Florida. I had three sessions there over the years, in and around Orlando. One at my hotel, the other two at theirs. Two of the ladies traveled there thinking it would be great for BDSM. It wasn’t. For us to get to the hotel room from the lobby was difficult also. The other lady was a domina/bodybuilder and she lived nearby, but explained most of her sessions were traveling. The hotbed of BDSM in Florida seems to be around Tampa/St. Pete and on the east coast from Ft. Lauderdale or so to down the coast.