Has anyone else noticed a difference in the prodom scene based on the general area? I started out in Columbus, Ohio. Back then there was a lot of local same day sessions. I actually loved the same day, short notice sessions. It was like kinky impromptu theater every day. The sessions weren't emotionally heavy. It was a business man or attorney looking to sneak in an hour of debauchery. When I moved to Rhode Island, there was no same day business. Local clients typically booked a week ahead. Two hours became the norm instead of an hour. There were a lot of extended sessions, from four hours to over nights. There were even occasional weekend sessions. For the most part, the play requested was more in depth emotionally and involved more elaborate bondage and Sm gear. I did have a handful of hourly clients in which the sessions were more light of heart fun. I liked it all. It was just and adjustment. The steadiness of sessions were always consistent in both states. The only time I noticed a slow spell was late August to early September, which I assumed was closing the vacation house and getting the kids back in school kind of thing.
My trips to NYC and LA were always fun but the set up and vibe was so different. It was more competitive among the doms. The sessions rooms were much smaller. It had a different vibe that is difficult to explain. While I had a great time with clients and met some worthwhile people, I got the feeling that sessions weren't such a special event to them as in other areas. Could this be because there are so many options around them on a daily basis? I got the feeling a session in NYC could be arranged as easily as ordering a pizza.
Visiting Chicago, Ann Arbor and Raleigh was interesting too. All different vibes. But, still, lots of fun. In Chicago, I'd rent a suite downtown so everything was walkable. I loved it. Such a blast. No one batted and eye in either Ann Arbor or Chicago at the coming and goings. I never felt the need to be uber discreet. Raleigh was a different story. The dom I was working with picked up clients up at a mutual meeting place, blindfolded them with a sleep mask and drove them to her place. The other doms in the area were concerned and didn't think that was discreet enough. I had no issues with scrutiny in Columbus or Providence either.
Finally, South Florida. I had made the transition from doing sessions to producing videos by then. But, my dom friends who were and still are active in sessions, told me the market experiences long times of no to slow sessions. That makes sense as Florida has so many snow birds. But, for all of the wealth there, I'd think the full time locals would more than make up for it. There are few options for doms in Florida, in general. But, the ones who have dungeons there are top notch.
Just my ramblings on how different the vibes are from state to state. I'd love to hear other posters experiences.