I was a switch a couple of times before I knew what the term meant. Really.

I was seeing a Mistress who was older than me, at least 50 at the time and I was in my early 40s. She was sessioning in a very old three apartment building she owned in Greenwich Village during the mid 1990s. Each floor was a small dungeon or playroom. I saw her a few times, we did the jungle sub / jungle Queen roleplay, until she told me she was going part time but wanted me to see a new Mistress: around 25 or so, law student, athletic and Black... dark ebony. Gorgeous. The Mistress let her know about my scene and we hit it off from the beginning.

When I met the young lady we talked about changing up the scene, basically "Tarzan" saving the kidnapped Jungle Princess and taking her back to her father. The Jungle Princess started out tied up, and Tarzan dominated the first half of the scene. He freed her and we ran around one or two of the floors to find a "camp" to rest. The Jungle Princess was not innocent. So by the middle of the scene she took control. He finds out she set up the kidnapping to seduce Tarzan, who she had a crush on since childhood and found out about his kinks. Tarzan spanked the Princess and she knew he got turned on by it. Tarzan unraveled and by the end of the session he was worshipping her all over, getting slapped in the face and being laughed at. The age difference, me being 20 years older than the young lady, played into me becoming a switch. The whole thing was a real head trip and bordered on some vanilla activities she initiated.

A couple of years later I sessioned with a Mistress who was in her around 30, closer to my age, but we did stepdaughter / stepfather scene, the young woman seducing the older man. The premise was she looked like her Mom when she was 30. The Mom recently divorced her stepfather and the stepdaughter thought it was her turn to be with him. Again, in the beginning, I was dominant and spanked the young woman, but at that point the stepdaughter took over and made me her sub.

Again, this played off of the age difference, me being at least 15 years older than the Mistress. Those were the last times I sessioned with someone dramatically younger than me.