Just visited domina.ms and saw this, an idea for a Dominas Only Forum to be part of that site. http://domina.ms/~domroot/thebuzz/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showthreaded&Number=19907#Post19907

Yes, I could see the value in it for Dominas to discuss best practices, advice, etc. But to be blunt, I think the idea is rather sad in some respects. A healthy exchange of ideas on the scene by all in the scene - pro Dominas and subs; lifestyle Mistresses & their subby playmates; and switches (pro and lifestyle) - without trolling, petty attacks and flame wars is the best in my view. Yes, I left MF several times due to the flame wars there, but returned several times. The healthy conversations outweighed the trouble. When Domina.ms came online I joined, even though the traffic was a bit less than MF, if was a healthy place... up until the discussion I was part of there a couple of months ago.

I'm not a pro Mistress but it seems to me to be a bit like posting in an echo chamber. Sites like domspeak, Domina.ms and MF are at their best when a wide variety of views are presented from everyone. Just my opinion...