Yes, my ex-wife and I went there... twice.

Its nice! The food was decent, the place was clean and tropical. It was fun!

There was the "prude" side where covering like a bathing suit was mandatory (but I'm not sure it was enforced), and there was the '"lewd" side where nudity was not only accepted, it was the norm. We stayed mostly on the nude side and were more or less naked the whole time (but didn't have to be. Nudity is NOT mandatory.)

Bring a date. I don't think you want to be a single dude at a place like this unless you are Brad Pitt or something (or if you have a vagina... but that goes without saying.) There were three dudes from Canada that were on the bus from the airport to the resort with us (its a longer bus ride than you'd think). We ran into them later a few times... I'm not sure they had a good time.

The first time we were there it was mostly swingers. Which was fine. None of them were pushy or anything. They were all actually very friendly... especially to my wife. Many of the other women there were pretty interested in fucking my wife. But everyone was respectful. At one point a dude came up to me when I was alone and explained how much his wife thought my wife was cute, and asked for permission if the two of them could get together. So that was nice.

Oh. Interesting side note - my first time there was really my first real interaction with swingers. As soon as the sun set, there were public blow jobs galore. It was my first time seeing that. Later my wife and I fucked on a reclining chair on the beach in front of... whomever... she liked that public shit.

My wife and I were not swingers... but hey, a tropical resort with nudity, a nude swim up bar in a pool, and all the booze you can drink? Sign us UP!

A second time, we went as part of a kink group.

The people there were accepting of kink. They didn't seem to really understand it (why would you WANT your butt spanked? Doesn't that hurt??), but also they didn't seem to care? "Hey! Wanna spank his ass? And he's ok with it?? Ok. Go for it! We'll watch!"

That was my experience with swingers vs kinsters. Separate, but similar, interests... The Venn diagram on those too groups used to barely overlap, but that seems to be changing now.

There are parties in Houston where "Swinging Meets Kink". I always seem to have fun at these parties, but many kinksters I know do not. People at kink parties rarely every take liberties. One of the biggest rules is "If its not yours, DO NOT TOUCH IT without permission." That especially includes cute girls.

The swinger parties I've been to don't seem to follow that rule. I think its more like "Hey... If you are here, you consent to being groped." I don't have problem being groped... but many do.

So yeah... Hedonism is fun!

Last edited by Tristan; 08/17/2024 02:51 AM.