Here is a little tidbit I found re: Gaetz....

The House Ethics Committee, which has been investigating allegations that Matt Gaetz engaged in sexual misconduct and illicit drug use, was prepared to vote to release a highly critical report about Gaetz on Friday, according to a Republican official familiar with the matter. The release would have come two days after Trump selected Gaetz to be attorney general.
Gaetz abruptly resigned from his House seat late Wednesday, effectively ending the ethics investigation that has hung over his head for years.

So my thinking is that something just isnt right with Trumps pick for Gaetz as AG.....I could be wrong but why would Trump pick a person that has about as much chance of getting confirmed as a snowball in Hell?


Everybody I know is thrilled to death that Trump won...Actually they are jumping for joy...... Rightfully so.....I was even talking to a Democrat Trump hating friend yesterday and he even admitted that the economy is going to be great once again..

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 11/14/2024 04:38 AM.