I can empathize with your annoyance of doms who giggle through scenes. It is something you won't see on my websites. But, some people may like that so, who are we to judge?
As far as POVs becoming increasingly common, consider the drastic reduction in production budget. This is due to piracy, the ease of filming making it easy for everyone with an iphone to start a C4 store, therefore increasing competition and lessening the talent pool interested in filming. Visa merchants have not been kind to femdom films either. They have become increasingly strict on what they will allow in regard to marks, bondage and predicaments. The same scenes in series like American Horror Stories would get pulled from their website and C4 store and maybe even land them legal trouble.
Expensive to start? Oh yes. With all the restrictions you may not even see a return on filming, especially if you are starting out with no equipment or set location to film. But, if you are serious about making your own femdom videos, I'd be happy to offer my advise and even write scripts for you. I'm in semi retirement now. Instead of filming twice every week, it has turned into two or three times a year. I have so many awesome script ideas that never made it to film. Anyone who is serious about making videos, I'd love to help. The only thing I'd want in return is the satisfaction of seeing my great kink ideas in use...and...no giggling! ;-)