"Trump wasnt in office when Johnson was voted in"
But Trump pushed really hard (while out of office) to make sure Johnson got voted in.. Johnson must have visited the "out of office" Trump dozens of times too... And they are still hanging out like pals...
Lets face it: Trump does not pick the "best people"
They must have some real big time dirt on the Phoney "Christian" Johnson... I mean they must have videos of this Christian in bed with 10 year old boys or something huge like this...
Here is a little tip... Whenever a politician claims they are a "Christian" they are always lying 100% of the time...
There is absolutely no such thing as a politician and a Christian being one and the same.... Its an impossibility...It cant happen ever under any circumstances... Politicians and Christians are completely polar opposites with completely opposing viewpoints...
So Johnson is a fraud..
Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/19/2024 01:24 PM.