This is a reminder that we need to improve expectations for our youth. There is nothing wrong with putting the most qualified person in a career position. We have a problem with our youth living in their parents basements and playing video games. Let the people who can contribute to society in and succeed. We have lazy youth. They are right on that. American kids need a wake up call.
Elon Musk banning Trump supporters from X/twitter who disagree with him is " a reminder that we need to improve expectations from our youth" ?
I say its a reminder that our society has learned NOTHING from history when it comes to putting charismatic people in charge like Musk/Ramaswamy and Trump....
We went through this with Hitler....And still we have learned nothing...
But maybe I am wrong then again maybe I am right..
This issue is also about hiring ILLEGALS over American kids who graduated with degrees in the Tech fields... Because guys like Musk, Ramaswamy and Trump save a fortune hiring people for peanuts...
This is NOT "Make America Great Again"...
Sorry to say that neither is building houses with Mexicans for less instead of Americans. Trust me, I see that shit everyday too...
All you gotta do is find the nearest Home Depot where Mexicans who are here illegally...Always hanging out first thing every morning looking for Contracters to come by and hire them...
No doubt everything is off the books too. Just saying..
Hell Trump built his NYC buildings with Illegal Polish labor back in the day...He got away without paying them too.. Oops, I guess I wasnt suppossed to mention that...
Did you vote for Trump so that he can import more foreign H-1B Visa workers so they can REPLACE Americans? Yes or No?
Ramaswamy and that Freak Elon Musk (both of whom are Trumps new best friends) want this....