They are both good articles Thanks..
The first article basically confirms what I have been hollering about for the past two days....The abuse is astrominical.
The H-1b Visa program is basically modern day slavery in a nutshell...It's also socialism to the extreme....As the article says, Everything Musk and Ramaswamy are doing and their nasty arguments against Trump Supporters are straight out of the Marxist handbook "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky....
Musk has literally screamed at Maga supporters and called them "racists" not to mention he called for their removal from the Republican party....
This is ironic and rich considering Elon Musk was born in South Africa which was/is one of the most racist countries on earth...
Musk is the most dangerous man on the planet as far as I am concerned...
Re: The second article and Trump...
Trump never should have came out and said what he said regarding H-1b Visa being great and that he used them... He did use the other form of H -2B visas for his temporary resort help. This was common knowledge..Basically he hires these foreign nationals in the OFF seasons at his resorts and golf clubs...When the summer staff leaves...
But I also believe he used the H-1B visa too regardless if they found records or not....A lot of those hires could be off the books (this is how shady the program is) and the program has been around for decades....Trump wouldn't have said he used these visas if he didn't mean it...So I will take him at his word...
It's also common knowledge that Trump used illegal Polish workers in the early 80's to do the construction on his NY buildings...Word has it that he stiffed them too....But that is neither here nor there and that point is mute.
I just know a Marxist/Communist when I see and here them because I have unfortunately read the same books so I know their game plan...If you remember I used to call maxwebber a Marxist everyday because I knew what he was promoting..
This is why I say Trump supporters are going to be screaming soon if Trump let's these two dictate policies...90% of Trump supporters probably have no idea yet....Again I am always looking 5 miles or 5 months down the road....
The bottom line is that neither visa program promotes hiring Americans. On the contrary it promotes the hiring of Foreign people at slave wages...
And it is NOT just the tech industry....Marxists like Musk and Ramaswamy justify their actions by calling American college grads lazy...The reality is they don't want to pay good wages...
Have you ever wondered why these gigantic companies donate so much to these corrupt politicians? These Visa programs are one example/reason why because the government runs these programs on a "lottery system"...This lottery system begins every March....But like everything else our government does, it is corrupt too.
Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 12/29/2024 09:49 PM.