Originally Posted by Cheyenne
If this was his private affair, a big so what? When any President has a gala event on the tax payer dollar, it bothers me...a lot. It has always gone on. That doesn't make it right but it is not unique to Trump. Why are you freaking out about this as if it somehow new or someone's personal life is any of your business?

Because its bad optics. We became a country and faught a damn Revolutionary War with England because we WOULDN'T accept bowing down to a king and Royalty. I don't care because Trump walks around and acts as if he is Royalty now. I didn't vote for this shit..

There is a lot of symbolism of what Trump is doing and how he is behaving. He worships himself and money. Yeah I like money too like anyone else but I don't worship it... What Trump does and how he lives leaves a bad taste in my mouth. He lives like the Pharohs of Ancient Egypt. He acts like a Roman Emperer. That's how I perceive him.

And yeah his guest list bothers me. It was the everyday average person who got this man elected and probably saved his ass from prison too...

It bothers me because I believe Trump just used us and already he has backtracked on several issues all because he wants to be loved and accepted by these celebrities and politicians...He will never change. Trump was the same way back in the 1980's when he was on page 6 everyday...

Hell he even had Don King (who murdered two people) at this event.

I wouldn't doubt for one second that he probably used what ever was left over from his campaign to pay for it. It wouldn't surprise me in the least..His campaign paid for all his millions in legal fees. Trump didn't use a nickel of his own money.

But whatever. I supported this guy for 10 years and didn't say a word about all his shit or his past because I wanted him to win and wipe out our pathetic government. But I see him doing the opposite. He is already making moves and endorsements that have pissed off his base. Everytime his base wants him to do something like NOT endorse Johnson Trump does the exact opposite.

That's it in a nutshell.


Maybe as a lawyer I am automatically skeptical of people to begin with by nature.. Maybe I am good at reading through the lies. It's interesting, I obviously know a ton of lawyers, old and young. Every single one of them are skeptical of Trump. Yeah some voted for him and defended him like myself but we were always still skeptical...The majority of attorneys I know detest Trump.

The first go around I literally detested Hillary so much that I would have voted for Trump ten times if I could....But now I am just tired of defending him....

He has a really long and bad track record of screwing people over...

This is my answer.

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 01/02/2025 02:36 PM.