Now this judge Merchan refuses to delay Trumps sentencing.. So Trump will officially be a "Convicted of 34 felonies" in 4 days...

By Comparison:

Charles Manson was convicted of 27 felonies

Donald Trump has already been
convicted of 34 felonies.

Unlike Manson - Donald Trump faced
54 MORE felonies, in three, other criminal trials,

Donald Trump had been charged originally with
88 felonies in all. He has been
convicted of 34, so far.

88 minus 34 - means that Trump was about
to face three other courtrooms
and 54 MORE felonies.


All of this was about a NDA that they continually call "Hush Money".... I will bet that most of us here have signed NDA'S at least once in our lives....It's very common.

Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 01/07/2025 02:27 AM.