Originally Posted by chuck
I have to admit, I agree with your assessment and disgust.
I might add.
The causes of the multiple fires are "under investigation."
I can't help but believe that someone who wants to spread havoc in the US wouldn't feel that the weather conditions provided a good time to start fires.
There are many among those millions of unvetted "immigrants" who would like to see devastation in the US.
Are some of them the cause?
There's no proof to such a conjecture (and i doubt if such proof would be released to the public if found), but I can't help but wonder.

It is easy to figure out the causes of Why California has all these fires...

The politicians in California and especially that governor don't give a Crap about anything or anyone....They know zero about forestry and do nothing to clean up the brush.....They also create all the homelessness too.. The Politicians in CA. are the most guilty people in the country when it comes to letting all these illegals in....

So if it was some Illegal who did this (and it wouldn't surprise me) then the politicians and that Gov. Newsome are to blame..

Now we have wall to wall coverage of movie stars being interviewed about their homes being burnt down..

I just cant shed a tear for them.....

Its funny because at one time a long time ago, California was suppossedly the best state to live in. Or so they say.