"I believe there is an abundance of voter fraud"
That is an understatement... I will NEVER go to California again under any circumstances... I have always believed that California was just an extension of Mexico anyways....
I also gotta say that California has the absolute worst of the worst when it comes to politicians... Nobody can top Adam Schiff, Stallwell, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, The deceased Diane Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Newsome.... The list of horrific politicians from California is endless.
Then you have that Hollywood Scum.....
Think for one second who Maxine Waters Constituents are....Every gang member from the worst parts of LA.....Now think about this fact...Their votes count just as much as your vote counts....
Speaking of Maxine Waters (86 years old btw).... There is ugly then there is Maxine UGLY...She looks like the live version of a California Raisin....
Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 01/12/2025 05:45 AM.