Exact historical parallels for use in sessions are problematic for me. The year I had my first session, 1974, I took a film appreciation in college and part of the curriculum was to see a new movie, "The Night Porter," starring Dirk Bogarde and Charlotte Rampling, a controversial film then and now. It is set in Vienna in 1957, and focuses on the sadomasochistic relationship between a former Nazi concentration camp officer (Bogarde) and one of his inmates (Rampling). I thought it was a lousy movie and very disturbing. It did NOT inspire me to have my first session. In the 1970s into the '80s ads featured in Screw Magazine and other publications had a few Mistresses that were in leather SS outfits (or close to it), disturbed me... it was recent history, 29 years after the end of WWII. In my sessions I want to escape reality, specifically being dominated by a gorgeous Amazon woman who has captured Tarzan, or some other male jungle character, and used for Her entertainment, like cheap R-rated "B movies" from the 1950s or beyond. NOT the harsh reality of history.

Last edited by jbeast; 01/20/2025 09:09 PM. Reason: punctuation