MissMary posted: "As a bi sexual woman whose life evolves around the fetish community, I don't want Trump back in the WH."
Response: Don't you see the collapse of our nation is more important than judging someone because they don't share your sexual philosophy?
Look at what has happened in the three short years under leftist policies:
Inflation, war and nuclear war threats, crime, open borders, economy, energy, loss of freedom, censorship, etc. etc. etc.

MissMary posted: "[Trump] set out to get Roe overturned."
Response: His position is not as extreme as depicted by the MSM.
He's trying to throw that hot potato to the individual states - a more appropriate level than federal, in my opinion.
As to women's rights (including abortion), leftist policies do more to restrict them than do conservative policies:
The increase in crime and rape affects women, yet liberal judges release criminals and rapists who happen to be caught by the liberals' defunded and weakened police forces.
Rape is a serious offense and, in many cases, should be a capital offense.
Rape laws should be strictly enforced. (Conversely, false charges should be prosecuted as well).
A woman's right to say "no" in the first place is more important than any right to abort the result.

The liberals oppose citizens carrying firearms despite the fact that a gun does more to equalize women against men than any restraining order.

Women are robbed of their ability to take top honors in their sports because liberal policies allow men to pretend they are women just so they can dominate in sports.

Liberal border policy have allowed millions of unvetted "immigrants" to enter our country.
Look to Sweden for the effect of foreign born rapists. We can expect that here.
Also, as areas start being dominated by Muslims, Sharia law is imposed.
Consider France with their no-go-zones (Officially "sensitive urban zones").
I wouldn't want to be a woman, a trans, or a gay anywhere near such areas.

Conservatives are more concerned about women than the liberals who spout off how they "help" women.
Liberals demonize Trump by lying and misinterpreting what he says and does.
Remember the "pussy tape?"
Liberals pushed the idea that he was bragging about molesting women when in fact he indicated he respected their right to say "no."

MissMary posted: "It is not the government's job to judge who people have sex with."
Response: It is not the government's job to promote sexual activity, particularly to children in schools.
In my opinion, pushing a child into transgenderism is child abuse and keeping such efforts from parents is criminal.
It is wrong for a school or a government to promote a sexual lifestyle.

MissMary posted: "As a progressive, it is maddening to see these not being the issues promoted against him."
Response: As a conservative, it is maddening to me that Trump's accomplishments are ignored and only issues that involve sexual behavior are considered.

Last edited by chuck; 04/09/2024 09:48 PM.