Thank you for the compliment and I look forward to the new thread about comfort zones.
About that first butt plug experience as a college kid in the '70s, it wasn't a butt plug. I'm brave and free enough to say - brace for this - it was a Tampax tampon.
This was my second session and the first half of it I was being used to train a new Mistress by legend Belle De Jour. Belle interviewed me before my first session, found out where I went to college, my family life, etc. and ordered me to, "Keep that IN and don't tell your MOTHER!" Looking back she was almost as old as my Mom. Tell my Mom?!? I don't know what Mom would have done to me but I know she would have went straight to the dungeon - with or without NYPD - and curse / confront the living crap out of Belle. Mom could be low key but about her son... Anyway, I went to the bathroom and immediately removed the Tampon - unpleasant feeling in there - cleaned up, got dressed and said goodbye. I wrapped up the Tampon in my homemade Tarzan outfit (even then) and threw it away as I entered the subway home.
I must say telling these stories here are kind of therapeutic and fun. LOL!