Scooby posted:"Trump has never bragged about molesting women. What a bullshit lie. Listen to the tape. Do you believe everything being dished up and spoon fed to you by the controlling class?"
Response: Short answer: No.

I believe you either misread my post or pointed your post at me in error.
It galls me the media continue to claim Trump admitted to molesting women on an Access Hollywood tape.

This is my interpretation of the tape:
First, an overview:
Consider that there was a massive search to get dirt on Trump.
The fact is, the best they could do was to dig up a ten year old private conversation and then convince the populace that what he meant was different than what he said.
If that's the worst they can come up with after all their research, it indicate there is little else available.
If he said "they let me get away with murder," the sound bite would have been useless.
Instead, with locker room bravado, he used a crude way of indicating he got to second or third base.
But the deceit was successful and they had millions believe their deception and many of them even demonstrated wearing "pussy hats."

Second, the tape itself:
It starts, not to his credit, with his recounting of hitting on a married woman.
Marital status aside, his method of seduction was not plying her with alcohol or drugs, but with doing a favor in helping her buy furniture.
He admits getting nowhere. That means when she said "no," he respected that.

Next they start commenting about Arianne Zucker who is approaching. In the bravado of locker room talk, as they made leering comments about her, Trump commented that when you're a star, they let you get away with anything, even grabbing their pussy.
Note that the key word is "let." His statement clearly indicates that despite being rich and powerful, he was rejected and he respected "no" as an answer. With stardom, he found women were now seeking (or at least consenting to) his advances.

Many have criticized his kissing comments, but actually it clearly illustrates that comments during the bravado of locker-room talk is just that--talk.
After all that talk of being aggressive, Trump had to be pushed into a hug. If there was a kiss involved, it was either an air kiss or a brushing cheek kiss--a definite waste of tic tacs.
It's a clear example of the difference between bravado talk and actions.

At the end, notice that it took effort on her part to walk next to Trump. She hadn't found his actions objectionable.

This incident, with the fact that millions were sold on the idea that Trump had admitted assaulting women, is a clear example of the effectiveness of MSM lies and distortions.

So again, "no." I don't "believe everything being dished up and spoon fed to me by the controlling class."

Last edited by chuck; 04/12/2024 06:47 AM. Reason: typo