"They arrested them"
And they will all be back today.....A huge problem is that most of these universities are private properties and the Police are not allowed unless specifically asked by the President of the College.....Not that I would trust the Police for any help...
This is happening from coast to coast and all across the country...Even here in CT it's at Yale and Uconn too.....They just beat the shit out of some Jewish girl at UCLA.
Our country is being run by Gangsters and not just in Washington....Half of the governors are Gangsters too... Especially that Newsome creep in California....
Speaking of California: They stopped being an actual state years ago....California is really its own small Communist country...Run by an absolute dictator..Their voting system is 100% rigged....Their land has become overwhelmed with Illegals....Its a disgrace what happened to San Francisco....
Re: Rand Paul
Just what we need another useless "investigation".....We already know who is funding much of the terrorism in America...Its George Soros and his son. (His son has visited the White House 40 times since Biden was let in)
What you are witnessing in REAL TIME is Armageddon, the final days, the tribulation, etc....Just in case you didn't know,..
Last edited by Fahrenheit451; 05/01/2024 10:29 AM.