It is all President Biden's fault! Right? WRONG!!

I remember when Apollo 11 took off. Then nothing. It did not land for days.
In 1992, I concluded that if employees ever got the upper hand over employers it would not be pretty.

Guess what? It is not pretty.

The cause of the current economic situation is years if not decades in the making.

Americans are not willing to look at the data which define current economic status.
They just want to blame the guy currently at the helm.

The guy at the helm of the RMS Titanic was not responsible for its sinking.
The major mistakes that were the cause the ships demise were made before the keel was laid.

The bacon problem is the new version of Robber Barons hoping you would not notice.
That is, they are hoping "you" are too stupid to notice.

In this case, YOU proved them wrong! You noticed.


I do not like big government. However, BIG BUSINESS does not like big government more than I do.

Boeing thought no one would notice they were selling defective aircraft. (and still are... selling defective aircraft)
When the defective aircraft started crashing. We noticed.

For the record, I prefer conservative governments. I do not prefer the Make Don Trump Rich Again movement.
