Where I live, downsizing the package of bacon from a pound is new in grocery stores this last year. When the farmer's market has bacon, it is still sound by the pound. My girlfriend makes her own red sauces. It is the size of the tomato paste and plain tomato sauce that is throwing off the recipes. We'll survive it. The downsizing is frustrating. I am with you on the bottle watered. We have an under the sink reverse osmosis water filter. It is easy to put it in your own bottle instead of drinking out of plastic. It tastes better too.

Along the line of inflation and food, my girl and I have been talking about selling the condo and buying a house with enough yard to raise our own veggies and put up a greenhouse. We can take the hit the cost of moving to a more expensive place. But, the interest rates are a killer. We have a 3.5%. I have to wonder if they come back down, it will drive up the cost of homes. There will probably be a flood of new buyers making it more competitive.